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7 steps to setting up remote offices

alphagamma 7 steps to setting up remote offices entrepreneurship

Remote offices are no longer theoretical contraptions; they are a reality today. Big and small companies are looking for ways to tap into this world of new possibilities.

Some are succeeding, while others are having teething issues immediately after launching.

How to set up a remote office

There are four major challenges that will destroy your remote team’s success. They are:

7. Plan on how to go about it

Most good things start with a solid design.

If you have the right strategy, you will most certainly succeed. If you dive in without a clear course of events, the chances are that you will struggle no matter the resources that you commit into it.

Start by answering the simplest of questions. Why do you want a remote office? Can you do without it? Once you answer that question, you will also see a need to answer a series of other questions.

Each inquiry should lead you closer to setting up an office that will serve your interests.

6. Think Of the work environment

Your team will spend most of their time inside this office; you have to focus on suitability.

You will need to look at things such as access to amenities, levels of noise and motor vehicle pollution, weather, and so on.

An ideal remote office should be accessible through public transport, free from distractions and disruptions, and ideally in an area that is risk-free. Look out for amenities such as air conditioning.

5. Invest In the right tools and equipment

You should prioritize these two things, the workstation, and the supporting hardware/software combination.

Tables and chairs should ideally be formal, comfortable and highly functional. You don’t have to break the bank for that though.

Invest in reliable IT tools. If you are not a fun of cables hanging around, you can opt for mobile printing to reduce the number of wires running within the premise.

Reliable internet is not a nice-to-have item; it is a must-have item. You will use it a lot to make communication seamless. You cannot afford to have it any other way.

4. Invest in a company culture

Before you even recruit your first employee, think about how you will want the team to work, how you would want them to relate, and the office structure.

A workplace that does not have a culture is uninspiring and dull. You will have challenges motivating a team in such an environment.

You have to set the company culture in a way that every employee can effortlessly know it.

3. Staff your office

Some companies do all of the above, only to stumble in this one.

Staffing requires expertise to gauge skills, personality, and culture fit in every candidate. If you are not sure of how to do it, you should consult an experienced head.

You need a team that will complement each other’s efforts; it should also supplement those of your organization in general.

2. Set Up the Workflows and Operational Channels

You may have set all your internal controls and flows at the central office, but this is a new office.

No matter how much you want them to know that they are just an extension, they will always feel like an independent office.

It is wise to set up internal mechanisms that are replicable, easy-to-follow and understand, and functional. Establish a clear protocol especially concerning reporting, project supervision, and professional conduct.

1. Set Up Virtual Meetings

You cannot substitute human contact with anything. Regular meetings can keep that interpersonal connection that is lacking in remotely connected teams. You can opt for video calls.


An excellent remote office is a work of deliberate effort coupled with systematic execution. If you follow these steps, you will succeed.

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