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Why B2C brands need to be on LinkedIn

alphagamma Why B2C brands need to be on LinkedIn entrepreneurship

There is a number of individuals & companies these days who think that LinkedIn works only for B2B companies.

However, the reality is that B2C companies can also make a very effective use of the LinkedIn platform to achieve further brand awareness, build trust and increase sales for their products & services.

Let’s put it in plain simple terms:

LinkedIn not only works for B2B but for B2C companies as well

And it can do so very effectively indeed.

Let me elaborate:

So, tell me: is LinkedIn a Social Media Network whose size, growth rate, reach, engagement & “golden” user base to be ignored by a B2C brand?

Can you think of any other reasons why B2C Brands need to be on LinkedIn? I would love to see your thoughts in the comments section below!

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