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Ideas for Action Competition 2017

Deadline: February 28, 2017 | For High School category register here | For Young Adults category register here
Eligibility: Youth between the ages 18 and 35 from around the world and students between the ages of 14 – 18. This is a team competition. Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, countries, nationalities etc.

Ideas for Action Competition 2017

Ideas for Action is a platform connecting young leaders all around the world who have valuable thoughts and ideas about the 2030 Development Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, and any other topic related to the future development of our world.

The Ideas for Action competition engages young people from around the world to encourage them to develop and share their ideas for financing solutions. The competition is intended to help catalyze a global conversation among young people all around the world. Conversations happen virtually, over social media networks, and in person, and we hope that you will engage with others who share your passion for international development.

They hope to engage young people to contribute their own voice to the conversation. Interactions happen virtually, over social media networks, and in person. Every year, Ideas for Action and its partners host events all around the world where you can meet people from your own region who are passionate about global development. To learn more, become part of our Global Classroom.

Ideas for Action wants YOU to join the conversation. They want YOU to change the world.

Welcome to the 2017 Competition!

Every year, students and young professionals from around the world participate to design ideas for financing and implementing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Winners of the competition will present their ideas during the IMF & World Bank Annual Meetings, receive support from a dedicated startup accelerator at the Wharton School, and benefit from unique networking opportunities with other young leaders as well as some of the most senior decision-makers in international development, academia, and the private sector.

Today’s youth will be responsible for implementing the newly adopted 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), approved by the UN in September 2015. The SDGs are an ambitious and transformative set of goals, covering a broad range of interconnected issues, from sustainable economic growth, to social issues, to global public goods. To realize this vision, a just-as-ambitious plan for financing and implementation is needed.

In July, UN member states endorsed a financing for development action agenda, which outlines a wide range of different action areas and commitments for the international community. Youth engagement and innovation will be critical for success.

Your proposal should include the following:

For more opportunities, check our opportunities sections and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.

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