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Identiverse 2018: Stay up-to-date on all things identiverse

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Dates: June 24-27, 2018 | Register here
Prices: USD 1695,-
Location: Boston, the United States

Identiverse 2018

People, applications and devices are gravitating toward a digital world where they all recognize and interact with each other.

This digital world is being built on a foundation of identity security designed by a community of people with a shared vision, from technologists and practitioners to thought leaders and end users. This is the identiverse.

What started eight years ago as the Cloud Identity Summit has evolved into something much bigger. It lives and breathes every day. And once a year it really shines. It summons the brightest minds in identity and security to gather and share the tools, technology and best practices that are built for today and the future.

The identiverse positions enterprises to realize the full potential of a digital economy—one where identity unlocks uncompromising digital experiences that are secure and seamless for everyone.


8 Keynotes, 50+ Sessions, 50+ Master Classes

Interested in attending the Identiverse 2018? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

For more opportunities, check our opportunities section and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.

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