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Reuters IMPACT 2021: Mobilizing global business to deliver on climate action

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Dates: October 4-7, 2021| Register here
Price: free
Location: Online

Reuters IMPACT 2021

Reuters IMPACT is a free virtual global conference that brings together world leaders, big business and forward-thinking pioneers to inspire, drive action and accelerate innovation towards the global economy’s top priority: the climate emergency.

Built upon our foundation of trust, Reuters IMPACT is the only forum to put climate action at the centre of mainstream business discussions, over 5 interlinking themes.

Mobilizing global business to deliver on climate action

Failure to limit global warming will cause significant disruption to business. No economy is immune to the impact, and no action is not an option.

A Stanford University study predicts that by the end of this century, there is a more than 75% chance that limiting warming to 1.5 °C would reduce economic damages and a more than 60% chance that the accumulated global benefits will exceed US$20 trillion. But, the global pursuit towards a low carbon economy, and achieving net-zero is a huge undertaking.

Solving the climate risk challenge requires a significant, and coordinated private and public-sector effort. Reuters IMPACT is a free virtual global conference that brings together world leaders, big business and forward-thinking pioneers to inspire, drive action and accelerate innovation towards the global economy’s top priority: the climate emergency.

No matter what role you perform, or the size of your organization, Reuters IMPACT will help you identify how you can influence business driven climate action.

Hear from Global Leaders at Reuters IMPACT

Solving the climate risk challenge requires a significant, and coordinated private and public-sector effort.

Reuters IMPACT is a free virtual global conference that brings together world leaders, big business and forward-thinking pioneers to inspire, drive action and accelerate innovation towards the global economy’s top priority: the climate emergency.

Key themes setting the Reuters IMPACT agenda

Creating a sustainable climate action agenda requires leadership and stakeholders from across the entire ecosystem. The Reuters IMPACT agenda is built upon five central pillars:

The energy sector contributes two thirds of total greenhouse gas emissions. Energy companies must seize this opportunity to switch the narrative, drive positive impact on climate change, and deliver a carbon free global energy system.

Identify which business leaders will guide us through the most transformative period of modern history, harness the unprecedented opportunities presented by the transition, and chart the path to a net zero future.

With projections suggesting that 60% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2030, global businesses must strive to limit the Impact of urban environments, green our cities, and forge global climate partnerships.

Discover how business, cities and key urban stakeholders are collaborating to transform their impact on our built environment, harness new innovation and investment opportunities, and lead a recovery that delivers clean, circular, self-sufficient and inclusive cities.

Businesses must act now to safeguard biodiversity and create sustainable food and land use systems. It is projected, that doing so, will help realise up to $4.5 trillion in new opportunities each year.

Understand which companies are taking responsibility for reimagining business’s relationship with the natural world and providing a new blueprint to regenerate our natural systems, whilst sustaining a healthy and prosperous system that works for all.

The transport sector is responsible for emitting more greenhouse gases than any other industry, including electricity production and agriculture.

Discover which business leaders, visionaries and pioneers are leading the transformation of transportation, that sustains our current inter-connected global systems, whilst and charting a path to a net zero future.

An estimated $6.9 trillion per year investment into infrastructure is required up to 2030 to meet climate and development objectives.

Hear how a new vision for global finance is being shaped and delivered in order to support a clean recovery and transform the global economy behind a clean and just future.

Interested in attending the Reuters IMPACT 2021? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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