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The Rhodes Scholarships: study at the University of Oxford

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Deadline: applications for Rhodes Scholarships open during the spring and summer of the preceding year | Apply here
 the application criteria are different, specified for particular country
Location: The University of Oxford, The United Kingdom

The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.

At Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Rhodes Scholars join just over 20,000 students from more than 140 countries currently studying at the University and are enriched by the stimulating and rigorous education and the vibrant cultural and community life.

Nearly 8,000 Rhodes Scholars have gone on to serve at the forefront of government, the professions, commerce, the arts, education, research and other sectors. They are well-known advocates for expanded social justice and have advanced the frontiers of science and medicine.

A Rhodes Scholarship covers:

Why Apply?

95 Rhodes Scholars are selected annually from many countries around the world. They are young women and men from diverse backgrounds and interests who show potential to be public-spirited leaders for the world’s future.

The Rhodes Trust provides the Rhodes Scholarships in partnership with Second Century Founder, John McCall MacBain and other generous benefactors.  A class of 95 Scholars is selected each year from the list of countries.

The Rhodes Trust focuses on the following criteria:

In short, Rhodes Scholarship selection committees seek young women and men of outstanding intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to service. The Rhodes Scholarships support students who demonstrate a strong propensity to emerge as ‘leaders for the world’s future’.

Individual constituencies may specify a 1st or equivalent. Some constituencies require an undergraduate degree to have been taken within the constituency of application.

Application process

1. Application to the Scholarship:

In broad terms, all constituencies will require the following materials in differing forms:

2. Choice of courses in the University of Oxford:

Subject to limited restrictions, Rhodes Scholars may read for any full-time postgraduate degree (including the BA with senior status over two years) at the University of Oxford.

The basic tenure of the Scholarship is two years, subject always, and at all times, to satisfactory academic performance and personal conduct. he full listing of degrees offered by the University of Oxford.

The basic tenure of the Scholarship is two years, subject always, and at all times, to satisfactory academic performance and personal conduct.

The full listing of degrees offered by the University of Oxford can be found here

At the discretion of the Trustees, the Scholarship may be extended for a third year for those who take a recognised route to the DPhil. The Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and the Masters of Financial Economics (MFE) are only tenable in the second year of the Scholarship.

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