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Savvy Fellowship: support for impact-driven entrepreneurs

AlphaGamma Savvy Fellowship entrepreneurship opportunity finance

Apply here
Eligibility: Between 18 and 40 years of age
Price: Free
Location: online
Deadline: applications open at all times

Would you like to build a successful impact-driven business, but don’t know how? Apply for the Savvy Fellowship and become a part of the new generation of problem-solving entrepreneurs

What is Savvy?

Savvy is a 12-week virtual program focusing on the assessment of founders’ ideas and the mentorship of entrepreneurs. The fellowship is multilingual, which makes it highly accessible. Moreover, it is completely free and runs throughout the year, allowing you to apply anytime.

The program will equip you with the knowledge to build a successful impact-driven business ranging from the ideation to the venture-scaling stage.

During the 12 weeks, you will learn how to:

Eligibility for the Savvy Fellowship

Savvy is a very inclusive program with no ethnic restrictions. The only requirement is that you are between 18 and 40 years of age.

You can join no matter the stage of your venture, at the beginning as well as an established business. Applications are open all year round.

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Once a Fellow always a Fellow

Upon receiving a certificate of completion, your journey doesn’t have to end then. Savvy invites you to continue using their website for shared resources and funding opportunities. Your account will remain active with weekly updates and articles.

If you feel like you could make a change with your knowledge, Savvy invites you to become one of their mentors. Volunteer and help young entrepreneurs on their journey while sharing your experiences. You can see more info here.

And the end of each year a $3,000 Savvy Prize is awarded to competing Fellows. It recognizes problem-solving solutions that are innovative and sustainable. 

Join the Savvy Fellowship and see where this journey takes you.

Interested in applying for the Savvy Fellowship? Register your participation by following the application link and taking the suggested steps.

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