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The Startup Conference 2020: One of the largest conferences in Silicon Valley

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The Startup Conference 2020 is being postponed to the fall. Stay tuned for more details
Prices: starting from USD 150,-
Location: Silicon Valley, CA, the United States

Startup Conference 2020

The Startup Conference is one of the largest conferences in Silicon Valley for starting your startup, learning how to pitch VCs, finding co-founders, launching your product to the press and more.

You have two great options to pitch your startup and meet investors at the Startup Conference:

The Official Pitch Competition

Launch your startup in style by pitching a panel of VCs on the main stage, in front of a large audience.

Only 6 startups will be selected to be a Finalist and pitch on the main conference stage in the morning. The audience will vote for the top 3, who will then come back and give a second pitch on stage. A panel of VCs will deliberate publicly and select the winner of the year.

Some of the winners have been successfully acquired or went on to raise significant funding.

Choose this option if your startup is ready to fly!

The Pitch Track

Pitch your startup to professional investors and get direct feedback on your idea and your pitch. If your pitch is awesome, you may investors will want to schedule follow-up meetings. But even if they don’t, the feedback they provide will be invaluable.

Choose this option if you are not quite ready to launch but want to test the waters with investors before going all-in fundraising.

The link to apply for the Pitch Track is in your registration confirmation e-mail.

Interested in applying for Startup Conference 2020? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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