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VidCon 2018: For people who love making online videos

alphagamma vidcon 2018 opportunities

Dates: June 20-23, 2018 | Register here
Prices: starting from USD 150,-
Location: Anaheim, the United States

VidCon 2018

VidCon is an event and experience for those who work in online video and those who love it.

Made for both the creators and viewers of the online video industry, VidCon 2018 will again be a celebration of everything that makes this medium awesome, bringing together a global community that believes online video is the most important cultural force since the motion picture.

VidCon was started in 2010 by the Vlogbrothers, John and Hank Green, as a place where people who had only ever met on the internet could connect in real life.

Since then, the VidCon event in the United States has expanded to over 30,000 people and in 2018 will continue to grow into the new wing of the Anaheim Convention Center, the event’s home for the past several years.

Who is VidCon for?

In a word: everyone!

VidCon has a unique design that allows everyone, no matter their interests, to easily find the content and activities suited to them. This is done by building the whole event around three tracks:

Community track

Meet the biggest online video stars in real life, make new friends, and don’t forget to be awesome!

Creator track

Being yourself on the internet could be your job. We’ll show you how.

Industry track

The Industry Track brings together the top creative, audience, and revenue growth experts in the world to share their secrets. Each of our speakers will share insights that they’ve never before revealed. Top digital leaders will share strategies for success that will inspire you to build your own success, and top execs from the leading video platforms will present and answer your questions as well.

Who should attend the Industry Track?

Interested in attending the VidCon 2018? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

For more opportunities, check our opportunities section and subscribe to our weekly newsletters.

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