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WISE Awards 2023: supporting projects that address global educational challenges

Projects from any part of the world can apply or be nominated for the WISE Awards.

Deadline: December 1, 2022 13:00 CET
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Eligibility: projects from any part of the world can apply or be nominated for the WISE Awards.
Location: Doha, Qatar

WISE Awards 2023

Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful and innovative projects that are addressing global educational challenges.

Since 2009, WISE has received more than 4,900 applications from over 150 countries. Today, 84 projects have been awarded, from a wide variety of sectors and locations for their innovation, positive contribution and ability to adapt and scale.

These projects represent a growing resource of expertise and sound educational practice. Today the WISE Awards network comprises pioneering projects that are bringing positive change to societies and communities.

Winning projects are supported by WISE through different channels

Every year WISE is building a community of educational innovators that offers a fertile environment for groundbreaking collaborations.

Interested in applying for the WISE Awards 2023? Register your participation by following the registration link and taking the suggested steps.

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