Deadline: August 31, 2021 00:00 CEST
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Eligibility: Projects developed by young innovators under the age of 26 that offer digital solutions to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

WSA Young Innovators 2021

The WSA Young Innovators is a special recognition for young people under 26 years of age, using ICTs to take action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The WSA is a non-monetary award system with a focus on sustainable knowledge transfer through a worldwide network. This means that winners benefit not from a one time financial reward, but a lifelong partnership and integration.

What you’ll get

Invitation to the WSA Global Congress including:

  • Pitching seminars
  • 4-minute pitch session in front of an international audience during the Congress
  • A program of specially crafted workshops for the winners
  • Invitation to the prestigious award ceremony and Gala night
  • Board and lodging for the duration of the Congress
  • Eye to eye exchange with speakers, jurors and international guests

More benefits for the winners include:

  • Integration into a network of internationally recognized digital content developers
  • Access to the WSA community of global experts and industry leaders in over 180 countries
  • Interaction with world-renowned sponsors and partners of the WSA community
  • Workshops specially shaped for the winners’ needs
  • A video clip highlighting the winners’ projects
  • Special placement on WSA website, youtube channel and social media promotion
  • Long-term coverage within WSA editorial channels

The WSA Young Innovators call is eligible for projects that:

  • Are developed by young innovators under the age of 26
  • Offer digital solutions to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Deliver content-rich digital solutions to the user including individuals, businesses, and organisations
  • have a strong digital component: websites, apps, SMS based solutions, IoT, wearables etc.
  • are market-ready or already launched on the market – no ideas or concepts are eligible

Interested in applying for the WSA Young Innovators 2021? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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