The ultimate goal of a salesperson is to close the deal.

To finish a transaction is to pass through a door and close it behind you. Getting the customer to take action and give you something you value in exchange for something your customer values is the end goal. Hopefully, both parties will value what they received more than what they gave up in order to consummate the exchange and walk away feeling like winners! Every transaction should be win-win.

How can we get more wins? Each customer is unique when they shop for a product or service. If you sell something, you need to learn to identify your buyer in order to help close the deal. Today, I want to give you examples of four prospects that you might recognize, and a potential close to meet their personal buying styles.

Prospect #1: Suspicious Stewart

Stewart is a critical thinker and doesnā€™t trust your enthusiasm. He is slower to trust you than other clients. You have to work to earn his confidence. He may not like talking on the phone with you. Texting is more comfortable for himā€”he finds it safer. Ā He doesnā€™t want to make a quick decision and he will need questions answered in detail.

With this type of customer, if you hit a wall, try the ā€œthought is instantaneousā€ close:

ā€œThought is instantaneous. Think of an elephant. Did you get it? You see, thought is immediate. Yes or no? Do or donā€™t do? I am fine with either one. Which is it?ā€

People donā€™t need time to think. They need more information. This customer is naturally suspicious and slow to act so you want to help him to just make a decision. If he says no you can dig more to find out what is really wrong and why heā€™s not ready to decide to sign that contract.

Prospect #2: Decisive Dave

Dave is assertive.

He is a bit pushy and demanding. He wants answers quickly. He wants things on his time frame and wonā€™t wait. You need to be quick and decisive with him and can take more risks than you would with other clients.

With this type of clientsĀ try the ā€œre-present/re-demoā€ close:

ā€œCome seeā€”I want to show you how close we are to making the wisest and most enjoyable investment of your life.ā€Ā (re-demonstrate the benefits of your product)

People are buying a product or service, not a price. So return to the product and sell it. Sell all the benefits of the product and then come back for the close. Write down what they are going to get from this product. Remember that people believe what they see, not what they hear. This customer is decisive and needs to have it shown to them, not told.

Prospect #3: Rational Raymond

Raymond is very interested in data.

He wants established facts and numbers. It takes time for him to process things before signing the deal. Heā€™s cautious and wants to look at all the different angles. You need to help him analyze the situation.

With this type of customer try the ā€œmomentumā€ close:

ā€œI have put all the numbers together for you and this is what we can do for you (disclose figures). I need your approval here and here.ā€

Sometimes people just need to crunch the numbers. Make a graph, present all the numbers, get your calculators out, ask for the sale, and hand the pen to him.

Prospect #4: Friendly Fred

Fred is diplomatic, engaged, and interactive.

He likes discussing things with you and a simple question can really get him going. Perhaps keep technical details to a minimum and focus on the relationshipā€”talk about the family or a recent vacation.

With this type of clientsĀ try the ā€œpersonal favorā€ close:

ā€œWhile ultimately it is your decision, I would ask you to consider one other thing. The fact that you would do this now would be a personal favor to me as I certainly benefit. I need the help right now and it would be greatly appreciated by me and my family. Would you please do me a personal favor and agree to doĀ this now?ā€

Some people do more for others than they will do for themselves.

I personally donā€™t like saying no to a salesperson when he or she asks me for help. Build a relationship and really work for the buyer and you can have confidence with this close.

Iā€™ve given you just four examples of different types of buyers you might encounter when selling a product or service. I have literallyĀ hundreds of closes in my arsenal and you should too.Ā Closing is an art, and if you are serious about becoming great in sales, it is vital you study how to close deals.

Not all closes work for all buyers.

Many times salespeople need an arsenal of closes before a buyer will sign the contract. Youā€™ll find that many of my closes require you to weave in and out of them. The bottom line is to always go for the winnerā€™s exchange. Make sure they trust you and are certain you will deliver on every point, that they know how to effectively use your product or service and believe that it will be a great investment which they cannot afford to operate withoutā€”then you will get the close.

Be great!

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