There are countless careers out there that you can pursue.

Unfortunately, you only really have time to closely explore a few of them.

The problem is, a lot of people get drawn into certain careers for the wrong reasons, and only after several years of time and energy wasted do they realize that their day job doesn’t reflect their passion and interests.

To help you find your calling, whether you’re fresh out of college or looking to change careers, follow these five tips:

1. Figure out what’s wrong

What is wrong with your current job or what made you leave your previous job? Is it the responsibilities and role you were given? The people or the business? Perhaps the industry in general and all of its red tape?

Knowing what you dislike about your past jobs can help you avoid them in the future.

In some cases, the job or role you are currently filling is one that you actually like; it’s the environment that might be bogging you down.

2. Look to your family and friends

Which job held by your family members or friends is interesting to you? There is no better way to get firsthand information on what a job entails than to spend time with people who are in the industry.

And there is no better person to ask than someone who you already know and is willing to help you out.

Family and friends, neighbors, and past co-workers are a great source of in-depth information about potential careers you might be interested in pursuing.

In addition, think about the topics of conversation you usually enjoy with friends. This can shine a light on what it is you actually want to do with your life.

3. Think about salary last

For now, don’t even think about salary.

This sounds weird, but salary can prevent you from choosing what you truly want to do and instead tempt you to choose a career based on its material merits.

Technical skills, strengths, and passion should precede work perks and salaries.

Ask yourself – what job would you want to do for an entire year without getting paid a dime?

The answer to this question can reveal what your true passion is.

Once you’ve narrowed down your career options, you can add salary and work perks as a secondary filter to further narrow down job listings.

4. Be more specific

A problem most people encounter is that, when they land a job, it’s not what they expect it to be.

Failure to be more specific when looking at your career prospects can lead you down a disappointing path.

Web development vs software development might sound like the same thing, but the actual day-to-day responsibilities can widely differ, with the former focusing more on consumer-facing technologies while the latter works on efficient systems, servers, and databases running on the back-end.

5. Find a mentor

This can be tricky since most people are afraid of approaching experienced and successful people to ask for one-time advice, let alone mentorship.

Nonetheless, a mentor not only helps you find your true calling, but they can also help take it to the next level.

For starters, make sure you’re asking the right person to be your mentor.

A casual and fun conversation at a cafe doesn’t mean that someone should be your mentor.

When looking for a mentor, you want them to have credentials including the right job title, position, and industry experience.

The bottomline

Finding your true calling is not a difficult process.

By asking yourself the right questions, you can find your true calling and the work-life balance you’ve always desired.

Let the five tips above be your starting point towards finding the career that best suits your passion and technical strengths.

For more career tips, check ourĀ entrepreneurshipĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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