Date: June 7, 2016 | Register here
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Students: 29 Eur; Startups: 199 Eur; Service: 399 Eur
Location: Berlin, Germany

Learn about the key factors of success, get inspired by like-minded entrepreneurs and meet high level investors and media Representatives.

HEUREKA is the conference for founders who want to bring Their business to the next level. Bigger and more international than ever!

HEUREKA Conference 2016

HEUREKA is one of the most important conferences for founders and entrepreneurs.

The one-day event focuses on the need to bring their business to the next level. For a great price founders and students can profit from the experience of successful and inspiring entrepreneurs. Furthermore they can meet potential investors and high-level service providers, who will also have the chance to find new opportunities and garner important market insight. HEUREKA brings like-minded people together and provides a platform for networking, learning and inspiration.

Why attend HEUREKA?Ā 


Never underestimate the power of face to face networking. The people you meet at HEUREKA Conference are generally decision makers you can learn and get inspired from. Establishing a name for yourself and meeting potential partners or employers is also a great advantage that the conference could bring to you. The way you represent your company, the discussions you have and founder stories you listen to may stimulate your entrepreneurial mind. At the HEUREKA Conference the atmosphere is fairly informal. Thus, there is a chance for every attendee to have a little chat with other founders, speakers, investors or service providers.

  • Professional networking
  • Fundraising
  • Knowledge exchange

Service Providers

As a service provider you are going to meet new interesting and evolving startups and minds that may represent your prospective clients. It is ordinary to communicate through e-mail, it is better yet to correspond on the phone, but the greatest way to connect is face to face, and always will be. Meeting innovative entrepreneurs from and outside your field helps you to make your service more visible and provides you an excellent possibility to learn about your target field in a professional environment.

  • Product presentation
  • Customer acquisition


Startups are innovative and always thriving to develop services which make the daily life easier. Especially in Berlin, one of the European entrepreneurial capitals, there are exciting creative minds with a great success story. Reading about a business idea or analyzing figures and forecasts of a business plan is only one factor of the decision making whether one should invest or not. But it is the personality and the founder team behind every concept which makes the picture complete. At HEUREKA 2015 you have the chance to meet and chat to these entrepreneurs directly which may help you make your decision.

  • Investment opportunities
  • Business insight


Are you looking for a job in the startup scene? Browse through the Recruiting Corner and meet potential employees or listen to great founder and success stories that may inspire you for your next career steps!

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