Have you ever tried to connect with someone only to get one of those automatic ā€œout of office” responses?

This drives me nuts. Iā€™m always traveling somewhere ā€œout of officeā€ whether itā€™s business related or not.

No matter where I may roam and for what purpose, I always make sure I am accessible and open for opportunities.

Not doing this costs you money!

I am sure that many of you reading this right now have used the ā€œout of officeā€ automated reply.

ā€œHi, Iā€™ll be out of the office returning on the 23rd. I wonā€™t have access to email or phone traveling on vacation and out of the country. Have a great week and I will connect with you upon my return.ā€

This is crazy! No one should ever announce they are closed off to opportunities. They should be open for business no matter what.

Look, I understand, I am a father and a husband and there are plenty of times when Iā€™m giving full attention to my family.

However, business is still being handled.

Tweets are coming, Facebook posts are going out, and calls, texts and emails are coming in. People who are trying to reach me have no idea that Iā€™m on the floor coloring and playing with my young daughters or away with my wife. Iā€™m still always connected.

We live in a 24/7 world. You can resist this reality all you want and join the rest of those seeking comfort, but then how will you ever achieve true freedom?

Do you think the mega successful people such as Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg or Howard Schultz are announcing any breaks from the business action?

No! Theyā€™re in the game, baby.

So even if you are going to be ā€œout of the office,ā€ always be open for business, accessible and ready to do whatever it takes to satisfy customers, close deals and connect with others.

I know Iā€™m going to get a lot of heat for this. Understand that I am not telling you to neglect your health or your family and become some workaholic. Iā€™m telling you to adopt a ā€œwhatever it takesā€ mentality so that all areas of your life are operating at high levels simultaneously.

Here are two rules to follow so your out of office doesnā€™t mean missed opportunities.

  1. Always be available for an opportunity even when physically ā€œout of office.ā€ Be sure colleagues or assistants are able to handle calls and relay messages to you quickly.
  2. Plan your day so you are able to check in and remain aware of whatā€™s going on. Commit to saying yes! Be open to every opportunity! You can always decide to pass after you have the facts.

Successful entrepreneurs know they arenā€™t really ā€œout of the office.ā€ They are constantly thinking about their customers and what they want to create next.

Theyā€™re always plugged in anywhere they go. You want to grow your business?

Be accessible — even when youā€™re not.

What do you think? Why do you set up an “out-of-office” message? Let me know in the comments below.

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