Deadline: May 21, 2024 23:59 CEST
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Dates: May 22-25, 2024

Location: Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France
Dates: May 22-25, 2024

Join VivaTech in connecting startups, technology leaders, large companies, and investors in addressing the world’s greatest challenges. Embrace four exciting days in Paris where business meets innovation.

Wednesday’s Viva Night is the official start of the journey, where VCs and startups can get to know each other—all this in the heart of the capital with specially reserved bars for the evening.

From Wednesday to Friday all activities will be held in English for seamless communication and collaboration. However, the Viva Technology 2024 event opens up with French for the general public on Saturday.

Check out the video to see last year’s edition ⬇️.

Viva Technology 2024 Themes

Throughout the event, VivaTech offers a variety of themes, that are vital for our collective future. Go ahead, and see what this year’s edition has to offer.

  • Artificial Intelligence: delve into its ethical frameworks and tangible benefits while it transforms industries and daily efficiency.
  • Climate Tech: explore regenerative practices for resilient ecosystems.
  • Mobility: dive into smart mobility in the field of transportation, accessibility, and travel tech.
  • Deeptech: brain-computer interfaces, quantum computing, and more tech that is reshaping human capabilities.
  • Country of the Year: celebrate Japan as Country of the Year with its disruptive innovations and global tech leadership.
  • Business: innovate, and network with startups, major corporations, and leaders in tech
  • Future Societies: explore the transformations in the education and professional spheres and their meaning for the future of work.
  • Internet & Democracy: look at the role of technology in cyber-attacks and misinformation, and what it could do to foster dialogue.
  • Creators’ Economy: dive into the exciting realm of virtual reality, music, and entertainment.
  • Gaming & Esports: explore thrilling tech and creative prospects in the largest entertainment sector.

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Year after year, this dynamic event brings together the brightest minds and boldest ideas. Help accelerate innovation in the world’s greatest challenges by connecting with visionaries and pioneers of the better tomorrow.

Interested in applying for the Viva Technology 2024? Register your participation by following the application link and taking the suggested steps.

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