Date: September 11-13, 2017 | Register here
starting from GBP 250,-
Location: Cambridge, The United Kingdom

ARM Research Summit 2017: Computing for the connected world

The second annual ARM Research Summit is an academic summit to discuss future trends and disruptive technologies across all sectors of computing.

It will take place in Cambridge over the days of 11-13 September 2017, and will be hosted at Robinson College.

The Summit includes talks from the leaders in their research fields, demonstrations, networking opportunities and the chance to interact and discuss projects with members of ARM Research.

If you are currently working on, or have an interesting new idea that you would like to talk about, and get instant peer feedback, the ARM Research Summit is the event you cannot afford to miss!

ARM Research Summit offers talks covering 2 parallel sessions, academic and technical workshops, demos from ARM and industry, networking opportunities, birds-of-a-feather sessions, and of course your chance to meet SoftBank’s innovative (and rather polite) Pepper robot.

That’s if you’re not already working out how to break the Internet with your new toy – a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B –Ā freeĀ as part of your entry to this year’s Summit!

Meet Pepper

Pepper is the first humanoid robot capable of recognising the principal human emotions and adapting his behaviour to the mood of whoever he is interacting with.

Using the recognition of voice, facial expressions, body movements and language, Pepper interprets your emotion and offers appropriate content.

Roaming around in Robinson College, Pepper will offer delegates an opportunity to interact and experience the latest in robotic technology first-hand.

Take home a Raspberry Pi 3

After three days of inspiring content around this yearā€™s theme; ā€˜Computing for the Connected Worldā€™, we are sure that attendees will leave enthusiastic to initiate new research projects.

As well as the latest research insights from the Summit program, all delegates will also take away a Raspberry Pi 3. With wireless LAN and Bluetooth connectivity built-in, itā€™s perfect for connected computing projects.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ sections and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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