Deadline: September 2, 2016 | Register here
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September 14-15, 2016
Price: USD 2,000,-
Location:Ā Providence, the United States

Business Innovation Factory Summit 2016

Business models don’t last forever

When tweaks aren’t enough, it’s time for transformation.

Think of BIF as your R&D department for new business models

More than 30 storytellers, 400 innovators and two unforgettable days of storytelling will jumpstart your heart and mind and push your thinking to the edge.

BIF’S mission is to help leaders design and test new business models and social systems

BIF work with individuals, organizations, and communities who believe that business model innovation is on the critical path to transforming our most important social systems.
BIF helps leaders design and test new business models in the real world.

At the Business Innovation Factory (BIF) Summit: Five hundred people come together in a historic theatre to hear 15-minute stories of transformation by 32 people from many different industries and sectors.

These storytellers talk about what they’ve achieved and how they did it. They tell the story of their creative process, their struggles, and where they’re going in the future. Their stories show that change happens on the journey, not at journey’s end.

Who should attend?

  • Senior Leaders, who know they must create change rather than just managing change, will learn more from the BIF Summit’s very different experience than they will from industry-specific events about traditional management topics. They’ll also find it easy to start a conversation with people who have the same interest they do in innovating solutions to problems.
  • Innovators, Instigators, Inventors, Entrepreneurs, and Rebels will connect with people from different industries who share their love of innovation and transformation. The Summit schedule allows ample time and space for sharing your own stories, insights, and a-ha moments. You’ll learn as much by sharing your own stories as you do by hearing others’ stories.

What to tell your boss

Youā€™ll meet confident people who share their inspiring, can-do attitudes and approaches to challenges and problem-solving.

You’ll connect with others who are serious and enthusiastic about innovation.

You’ll connect with people who have struggled, failed, and learned from their experiences on their path to success.

You’ll understand that innovation and transformation are ideas and actions, and not just buzzwords and the acronyms your industry uses for them.

You’ll learn the importance of story, how people process the world through story, and how to make theĀ story work for you.

You’ll expose your brain to new perspectives that are well beyond formulaic thinking.

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