Deadline: August 31, 2023 00:00 CEST
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Date: October 26, 2023
Eligibility: startups younger than seven years as of October 2023, having at least three employees, including active founders
Location: Bern, Switzerland

Cyber Startup Challenge 2023

The aim of the Cyber Startup Challenge is to explore the startup technology landscape around the topic of smartphone security and, in doing so, to present innovative technologies to the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS).

Companies are invited to register for the challenge and submit their solutions. The three start-ups with the most promising solutions will be allowed to present their idea at the Cyber-Defence Campus Conference on 26 October 2023 in Bern.

A jury of experts and DDPS stakeholders will select one company as the winner of the Startup Challenge at the end of the conference. The selected startup will receive a contract worth up to CHF 100,000 for the integration of a proof of concept of their technology into the DDPS environment.

This challenge is not a call for tenders but a market exploration. Promising technologies are identified that best meet the requirements of the Department of Defence.

Awarding novel solutions in the field of smartphone security

Cyber Startup Challenge awards novel solutions in the field of smartphone security. The technology does not have to be fully developed yet, but a convincing proof of concept should be realizable within one year and with less than CHF 100,000.

The goal is for the technology to help efficiently and comprehensively analyze the security of third-party smartphone applications and their potential threats. It also aims to test applications running in an unmodified (non-rooted) operating system while providing dynamic testing capabilities.

The finalist of the Challenge receives a contract to integrate the proof of concept of the technology in the DDPS. The contract won has a maximum value of CHF 100,000. The value is based on the amount of work required to integrate the proof of feasibility.

Interested in applying for the Cyber Startup Challenge 2023? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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