Deadline: January 31, 2018 00:00 CET
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Eligibility: Individuals that are born between 1980-1995

Dalai Lama Fellowship 2018

Dalai Lama Fellows cultivates and supports a global movement of next-generation leaders applying universal values to solve global challenges.

Unless leaders build a world that works for all of us, it is increasingly clear it wonā€™t work for any of us. Dalai Lama Fellows believe there are practical ways of leading for our common humanity and for building solutions for generations to come.

TheĀ Fellowship offers emerging leaders a rigorous, interdisciplinary program on ways to be a different kind of leader, a leader that connects and cares for self, extends genuine compassion to others, and works for our common humanity.

Fellows cultivate practices in mind training for increasing self-awareness, self-care, and resilience, for connecting with others and working across differences, and in building solutions for generations to come.

Over the course of a year, with the support of mentors and coaches, each Fellow designs and implements an original Field Project addressing a global challenge. Upon graduation, Fellows join a LifeLong Community, where they connect with and support each other while continuing to advance their leadership journeys.

Why attend?

  • They do not offer to fund projects. Based on what they have learned from six years of programming, they have gleaned that the most meaningful elements of our program for Fellows are our curriculum, our coaching, and our global community.
  • They encourage Fellows to search for and develop other creative sources of project funding and their program coach can serve as a guide in this area.
  • His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama has authorized Dalai Lama Fellows to award these Fellowships and grants in his name. While the Dalai Lama Trust funds a small percentage of the program, private donors fund the majority.

A Global Leadership Curriculum

Collaborating with experts from around the globe from Thupten Jinpa, the Dalai Lama’s translator and renowned author, to Marshall Ganz from the Harvard Kennedy School, over the last six years, we have created a distinctive, immersive leadership curriculum which builds a skill-set, complementary to the cognitive and commercial education that Fellows typically acquire in school.

Our Head, Heart and Hands curriculum has three main components:

  • Head – Training the mind, exploring inner values, cultivating practices to enhance self awareness
  • Heart – Harnessing the intelligence of the heart, deepening compassion, practices for working across differences
  • Hands – Acting now, in community, to benefit the world, building unexpected relationships and leading with the mindset of interdependence

Ā Eligibilities

  • Their program is focused on next-generation leaders who are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate schools at the time of applying and who intend to be enrolled and on campus during their Fellowship year.
  • Their define next generation leaders as individuals that are born between 1980-1995.
  • In some cases, they accept applications from individuals that are no longer enrolled in school but that fall in this age range and that are committed to working in social change.
  • You donā€™t have to be Buddhist, Dalai Lama Fellows is a secular and ecumenical organization. We are equal opportunity in outlook, and value diversity in both background and perspectives.
  • Fellows must expect to set aside approximately 10 hours a month to engage with and learn from Head, Heart, Hands curriculum.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ sections and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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