Deadline: December 1, 2022 22:00 GMT+0100
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Eligibility: the fellowship is open for social innovators from around the world aged 20-35 years old (as of July 1, 2023), currently engaged with or well-articulated plans for a social change project and sustained engagement with the project throughout the fellowship year and having an in-depth knowledge of the community and the issue that the project is seeking to address, preferably with at least one year of previous experience working with the community
Location: the United States and online

Dalai Lama Fellowship 2023

Dalai Lama Fellows (DLF) is a unique one-year leadership program for emerging social change makers.

It is a rigorous, interdisciplinary, and deeply contemplative program to reimagine leadership as involving self-awareness, personal sustainability, genuine compassion for others, and the capacity to skillfully navigate complex systems at multiple levels.

DLFā€™s ultimate goal is to help young social innovators to integrate contemplative work and intentional personal transformation with their efforts to bring about positive change in communities and the more-than-human world.

Reimagine leadership as Dalai Lama Fellow

Dalai Lama Fellowship cultivates and supports an international movement of young social innovators to meet global challenges in locally adapted ways as they promote our planetā€™s flourishing.

For most of the fellowship, Fellows participate remotely. You will work on compassion-in-action projects while engaging with DLFā€™s online leadership curriculum and receiving virtual coaching and mentorship.

At the beginning of the fellowship year, Fellows gather for a week-long Contemplative Leadership Assembly in the United States. DLF covers all costs for attending the Assembly such as visa fees, travel, and lodging.

Dalai Lama Fellowship is not only a one-year experience. Upon completing the program, Fellows become LifeLong Fellows and continue their personal and professional journeys in the community with other program alumni.

DLF continues to support LifeLong Fellows through networking connections, small group coaching, thematic webinars, contemplative retreat experiences, and much more.

Interested in applying for the Dalai Lama Fellowship 2023? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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