Deadline: December 15, 2017 00:00 CET
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Eligibility:Ā Journalists working in Europe and journalists writing for a European media organization or blog can submit their work.Ā The work submitted must have been published between December 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017
Prize: EUR 10,000,-

European Press Prize 2018

The European Press Prize celebrates and encourages excellent journalism. The organization is now welcoming entries from all over the European continent.

The European Press Prize aims to be the brand for quality journalism in Europe. By rewarding, facilitating and educating journalists, the European Press Prize highlights the importance of quality media and supports journalists in their endeavor to contribute to independent and critical journalism.


The European Press Prize is awarded in four different categories. Each award is for 10,000 euros, to be spent wherever possible on a personal project that may, in turn, enrich the practice of journalism.

The judges are also empowered to award a special prize for particular excellence. The nominated works will be published on the website of the European Press Prize.


There are Four awards worth 10,000 euros each. There is also a special prize the jury can decide to award.

  1. The Investigative Reporting AwardĀ for the individual or team effort which has done most to unearth facts that the public ā€“ and society ā€“ has a right to know
  2. The Distinguished Writing AwardĀ for the best reportage and feature writing illuminating vital issues at home and abroad
  3. The Commentator AwardĀ for the commentator, columnist or editor whose work has made a decisive impact
  4. The Innovation Award ā€“ For the idea ā€“ presentational, technical or in terms of editorial techniques ā€“ that has made a clear contribution to journalismā€™s future
  5. The Special Prize ā€“ From 2013, the judges will be empowered to award a special prize for particular excellence in editing or any other discipline, including reporting, feature writer, and advocacy


Please add a Word document or PDF file with the full text of your article. In this Word.doc or PDF file you can also place additional information such as photos or links to relevant websites

  • Journalists working in Europe and journalists writing for a European media organization or blog can submit their work
  • The work submitted must have been published between December 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017
  • There are no absolute limits to the length or number of pieces that can be accepted by the preparatory committee; but, in general, no article or articles should exceed a maximum of 5000 words in all. Going beyond that puts a heavy strain on translation resources
  • Entries can be accepted in the language of their original publication

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ sections and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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