Dates: November 23-24, 2016Ā | Register here
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Amsterdam, The Netherlands

European Women in Technology 2016:
Developing the future for women in tech

European Women in Tech 2016 is brought to you by the creators of Women of Silicon Roundabout, the UK’s leading women in tech event series.

With Europe being a world leader in technology, this conference has beenĀ created to inspire and connect European women working in this sector. Through thought-leadership, interactive panels, and deep-dive workshops, delivered by industry pioneers, this conference enables personal, professional and corporate development.

Attendees gain cutting-edge insights into trends and innovations in tech, leadership, soft skills, and mentorship. The event organisers want to help people and organisations network, discuss and take action on gender diversity issues.

By creating a progressive and positive arena in which both men and women can come together to discuss issues relating to Women in Tech Leadership, female founders, bridging the gender gap, non-technical women in tech and inspiring future generations of girls into the sector, this conference will assist women in tech in maximising their careers and industry development.

What will delegates gain from attending?

Building on the huge success of the Women of Silicon Roundabout conference series, the European Women in Technology 2016 aims at bringing the same high-level content and inspiration to mainland Europe.

As a delegate, you will:

  • Hear and learn from the opinions and experiences of successful women and men in tech.
  • Grow your network with our unparalleled networking opportunities.
  • Gain inspiration for your career and the tech sector as a whole – realise what you can achieve and the best way in which to do it.

Attendees will acquire practicalĀ knowledge and skills through in-depth workshops designed to advance and develop their soft skills.

Who should attend?

  • Women working in technology who desire to develop and advance their career
  • Industry leaders looking to gain an insight into retaining and developing female talent
  • Female founders and tech entrepreneurs
  • Government body representatives
  • Women starting out in the Technology sector looking for inspiration, ideas, and connections
  • HR professionals looking to develop their company culture

Sessions will include:

  • Women In Tech LeadershipGender diversity is profoundly lacking throughout the tech industry. Examine the skills you need to move into a leadership / management role. Hear case studies and inspirational stories from leading women who want to send the elevator back down and help the next wave of aspiring leaders equip themselves for the journey ahead.
  • Female Founders

    Celebrate the success of female founders in the tech world and inspire others to take the plunge into the adventure of self-employment. Hear from some of the best tech entrepreneurs about all aspects of entrepreneurship in tech, particularly relating to funding, mentorship, leadership, growth and scaling

  • Bridging The Gender Gap

    Explore gender inequality in the technology industry and assist in developing practical measures for overcoming the challenges faced. Look at collaboration and conversation as measures for reducing the gender disparity we see in tech. Consider HR and talent attraction strategies as well as evolutions in management and team building.

  • Non-Technical Women in Tech

    Shine a light on the possibilities and career paths available in non-technical roles within the tech sector. Hear from leading women who are changing tech, without writing code. Evaluate the thousands of roles and opportunities within tech that do not require a specific technical skill set.

  • Inspiring The Next Generation

    Investigate where tech talent can be developed and where inspiration can be given to girls; in schools, colleges, universities, extra-curricular courses and at home. Discuss the value of strategic partnerships that can be developed between businesses and education services as a means for opening the doors to girls from an early age.

Deep-dive topics include:

  • Software Development – Agile, Open Source, Front & Backend
  • Early Stage Start-up Turnaround
  • Data Science
  • Infrastructure
  • HR Strategies for Better Attraction & Retention
  • Developing a Diverse Company Culture
  • Building Dynamic, Creative and Collaborative Cultures in a Tech Company

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