Deadline: rolling basis | Apply here
Duration:Ā You can join this project for a minimum of 2 months
Cost: GBP 1,519,- for 2 months
Eligibility:Ā Relevant academic qualifications and proof of work experience required
Location:Ā Beqa & Suva, Fiji

Fiji N.G.O. Media & Journalism Internship

The Fijian archipelago lies scattered lazily in the achingly blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, bathed in the radiant antipodean sunlight. Its towns and villages are veritable melting pots of cultural influences.

Fiji’s irresistible shores are fringed with picture-perfect palm trees, and the azure waters that surround the islands are inhabited by an astonishing array of marine creatures; over 1,200 species of fish including clownfish, triggerfish, blue tangs, 12 species of whales, dolphins, anemones, soft coral and much more.

Enjoy fragrant sun drenched days and exotic nights of delectable food cooked in a traditional underground oven. Fiji will enchant you with its infectious, chilled out “Fiji time” lifestyle, its heavenly beaches and surrounding mountains of rainforestā€“ the perfect paradise location for your Frontier adventure!

Internship highlights

Your journalism placement will give you the opportunityĀ to work as a field journalist, integrating yourself with day-to-day activities and reporting or documenting the work and social activities of volunteers at the location.

  • Immerse yourself in true Fijian culture
  • Live in an idyllic beach camp on the beautiful island of Beqa
  • Gain valuable professional travel journalism experience and references
  • Make lifelong friends

You may undertake this placement from a variety of perspectives, depending on your skills and experience. These include:

  • Article Production (written and online journalism)
    Report on the activities of volunteers and staff on the project. Think outside the box to offer a unique and informative outlook on this fascinating project using your writing skills. You will produce a number of written articles each week and liaise with volunteers and staff to create content such as interviews and activity logs.
  • Photography
    Use your photography skills to showcase this amazing project to the world. Create regular photo galleries and work with the volunteers and staff to document their activities on camp and in the local community.
  • Videography
    Film and produce videos documenting the work and social life on your project. Liaise with volunteers and staff to create video interviews and showcase the most interesting aspects of life on the project.
  • Blogging or Vlogging
    If blogging or Vlogging is your thing, you will be tasked with creating regular updates on work and life on the project, helping connect people to the project worldwide.

You will gain experience of reporting and content production in a remote location, and this placement is a perfect entry into the world of travel journalism.

Project requirements

  • CV required
  • Relevant academic qualifications required
  • Proof of work experience
  • Minimum a 2-month placement
  • Laptop and/or camera/video camera that you are able to take to the project

What’s included

Before you go

  • Pre-departure support & documentation
  • Travel & medical advice from dedicated personal travel adviser
  • Advice on visas & equipment
  • Discounted medical kit
  • Free Frontier t-shirt
  • UK residential briefing weekend including food, accommodation, and training (extra cost applies)


  • Project orientation and training
  • In-country emergency support
  • Basic food. 3 meals a day when at camp, 2 meals a day when in Suva
  • 24-hour international HQ back-up
  • Accommodation
  • Two meals per day
  • Local orientation and training
  • In-country emergency support
  • 24-hour internationals HQ support
  • Airport pickup subject to start date
  • In-country transfers subject to start date

What will I be doing?

Depending on your skills, you will be given specific targets and suggestions for content production, and will liaise with volunteers and field staff as well as journalism and marketing staff at HQ to create amazing content. This content will be used to showcase the great work being done on the projects, as well as your skill and commitment as a journalist.

You will be given support from field and HQ staff but will also be encouraged to use your imagination and ingenuity to suggest new and interesting ways to document your time as a field journalist.

Activities on Fiji

The Frontier-Fiji camp is fun and in your spare time and weekends off you’ll have opportunitiesĀ to swim and snorkel, play rugby against the unbeatable local side or even attend local church ceremonies.

Alternatively, you may enjoy a traditional cava session with the locals, play a wide variety of fun camp or card games from poker to bridge, chess or backgammon, or join in a camp quiz night.

After a long hard day of project work, you may prefer to relax and sit and chat to your new friends beside a roaring campfire, under a sky lit up by millions of stars.

For those of you with extra energy, dive courses or specialty dives are available at competitive rates.

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