Deadline: January 15, 2024 23:30 GMT-0700
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Dates: July 1-23, 2024
Eligibility: international students from conflict-prone regions, upper-level undergraduates or graduate students aged 20-25, holding a valid international passport and, if required, a U.S. visa. Preference is given to those who haven’t previously visited the United States.
Location: the United States

Hansen Leadership Institute Scholarship 2024

The Hansen Leadership Institute brings together and trains future leaders from across the world in order to promote world peace and international cooperation.

Following the vision of Fred J. Hansen, who aspired to promote international cooperation for a more peaceful world, the Hansen Leadership Institute aims to unite young leaders from conflict-prone regions. The goal is to nurture mutual understanding and ethical leadership, transforming potential adversaries into friends who exemplify respect and kindness as alternatives to violence.

Why apply?

HLI provides training in the principles, practices, and psychology of effective, ethical, and visionary leadership. Hansen Fellows learn to be effective communicators and public speakers.

The intense, 24/7 face-to-face community of the three-week program becomes a path to a vibrant virtual hub where Hansen alums engage, connect, and mutually support each otherā€™s projects of peace and community building.

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The Hansen Summer Institute is fully funded by the Fred J. Hansen Foundation. This includes:

  • International flights
  • Room and board
  • All program costs

If selected, the only cost to participants will be the fees incurred in obtaining a passport and spending money.

Make life-long friendships with international leaders

The heart of HLI is that it fosters deep friendship and solidarity with like-minded peers from zones of conflict across the world. Fellows become lifelong members of a close-knit and highly engaged international community, which exposes them to new opportunities for service, education, and friendship across borders.

Interested in applying for the Hansen Leadership Institute Scholarship 2024? Register your participation by following the application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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