Deadline: May 31, 2020 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Dates: June 11-15, 2020
Location: Online

Harvard Model United Nations 2020

Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN) is the product of a long history of excellence and service. The conference is one of the oldest in the world, having been introduced more than 70 years ago; along with its fellow initiatives within.

The Harvard International Relations Council, HMUN has repeatedly been the one to break new ground, set global trends and achieve the highest levels of quality within International Relations-based education. Today, HMUN engages over 6000 students each year across its three conferences in the United States, China and India.

Respond to the most pressing global issues of the time

This conference is academic simulations of the United Nations that hosts students from across the world, inviting them to come together and respond to the most pressing global issues of the time. True to the spirit of the United Nations, HMUN strives to foster a constructive forum for open dialogue on a range of complex issues, including international peace and security and economic and social progress.

Delegates are asked to think critically about the world around them, and to think in new and ambitious ways. What is the purpose of multilateral organizations like the United Nations? What can they achieve?

How do we balance national interests with the interests of the international community? How do we ensure that those with power use it responsibly? What can young people do to affect change in their own communities and the world at large?

Why participate?

  • Substantive Excellence

The conference engages students from Harvard University to form its staff pool, which ensures that the executive board comprises only of carefully selected individuals who are both highly knowledgeable and professionally dedicated.

This is evidenced by the quality of the background guides which are thoroughly researched and meticulously crafted for each committee well in advance.

  • Tradition and Legacy

Begun over 90 years ago with a simulation of the League of Nations, every Harvard Model United Nations conference is the product of years of gradual refinement.

HMUN prides itself on a legacy of excellence. It has constantly set, achieved and broken the benchmark for quality, and is arguably a trend-setting initiative in the Model UN space.

  • Diversity

Converging a large group of brilliant individuals with completely varied backgrounds is an enriching experience for the delegates as well as the faculty, as everyone brings subjective and contextualized perspectives to the table. Interaction with other stakeholders with varied generational gaps, such as the faculty and the hosts, facilitates a healthy exchange of opinions and interpretations for the students.

The conference also provides a balanced platform for all, from beginners to experienced delegates, as we strive to encourage equal and complete participation for everyone.

  • Beyond the Committees

The conference features engaging speaker series with distinguished individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage in various talks and activities with the delegates. These change-makers serve as a rich source of inspiration for delegates to create a positive change in their communities.

Interested in applying for the Harvard Model United Nations 2020? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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