Dates: September 6-8, 2017 | Register here
Prices: starting from EUR 20,-
Location: Strasbourg, France

INSPIRE Conference 2017

This data is not onlyĀ put to use for protecting the environment.

It also finds its application in many activities in our digital society related to e-Government, transport, agriculture, navigation, regional development, energy, health, safety & security, research and e-Commerce just to name a few.

Environmental issues do not stop at borders and neither does the Digital Single Market where spatial data should be able to flow without obstacles to fully reach its potential for sustainable growth.

This makes INSPIRE ā€“ as an example of a European Interoperability Framework and digital infrastructure – more than ever relevant for both the environment, the European Digital Economy and society in general.

INSPIRE a digital Europe: Thinking out of the box

By organizing the INSPIRE 2017 conference together, the governments of Germany and France, in partnership with the European Commission want to emphasize this message while underlining also the importance of working together across borders, and across policy and economic sectors to make this sharing of spatial data even more a reality for the wider benefit of our citizens, businesses and environment.

At the INSPIRE Conference 2017 more than 1.000 participants ā€“ policy makers, public and private sector users and producers of data, services and application, INSPIRE experts and students – are expected from all EU countries and beyond to learn, demonstrate, network and generally contribute to the debate and implementation of INSPIRE.

The conference will offer two days of workshops and three days of plenaries, thematic sessions, a poster session, a commercial exhibition and social events.

Its success will depend on your participation and contribution as the major stakeholder of the event.

What can you expect from the INSPIRE 2017 Conference?

2Ā days of workshops,Ā 3Ā days of conference withĀ 3Ā plenaries andĀ 48+Ā parallel sessions and exhibition andĀ 1000+Ā participants

‘You should attend’

The INSPIRE Directive is being implemented to support EU environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.

In the context of the EU Digital Single Market initiatives it is also a contribution to the EU e-Government Action Plan 2016-2020.

INSPIRE facilitates the access and use of a very wide range of digital spatial data.Ā The applicability of this spatial data and the services which allow to find, access and use the data goes beyond environmental policies.

As a consequence, INSPIRE is of use in various activities related to e-Government, transport, navigation, agriculture, regional development, energy, health, safety & security and even e-Commerce.

This broad field of application makes INSPIRE a building block of the EU digital society and through its potential for better decision-making, a contributor to the EU’s priorities for inclusive and sustainable growth, jobs and innovation.

Why should you attend?

  • You want to learn about INSPIRE, about its coherence with other EU, national, regional policies and its wider policy relevance.
  • You want to share your experience, your requirements or showcase your work
  • You are interested in working together and building partnerships with others across borders, across sectors and across different levels of government
  • You want to learn about the status and outlook of the implementation of INSPIRE
  • You want to contribute to the discussions around the fitness-for-purpose of INSPIRE
  • You develop, provide or require technical solutions and services
  • You provide or require technical training and capacity building
  • You have new ideas on – or you are looking for –Ā  inspiration about innovative business models, technology integration and applications
  • You are interested ā€¦

You are/represent:

  • A local, a regional, a national or an EU level political decision-making or coordination body
  • A public sector implementer or user of spatial data, services and applications.
  • A private sector user, a geo-spatial technology provider, an application developerĀ  or technical standard organization
  • An EU level or other international agency eventually involved in EU level or global initiatives and programmes
  • An academic institute, a research institute or a student
  • None of the aboveā€¦ but you are still interestedā€¦

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ sections and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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