Deadline: February 15, 2018 00:00 CET
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Eligibility:Ā Applicants must be working as professional journalists. Students are not eligible.

Journalismfund European Cross-border Research Grant 2018

The aim of Journalismfund is to promote quality journalism in Europe by giving journalists the chance to carry out journalistic research projects.

Journalismfund will support professional journalists, who have good ideas for cross-border research and for research on European affairs.

The stories must be relevant for European target groups.

European Investigative Journalism

Political decisions are made across borders.

Business and trade go across borders. Criminals establish networks to run their activities in various countries.

If journalists want to match this power, cross-border cooperation is one of the tools. For research as well as for publication.

What Journalismfund supports

  • supports investigative journalism research.
  • The story must be relevant for audiences in Europe.
  • The story should bring significant new information to the audiences.
  • The result of the research must be published in media in two or more European countries. These media must reach a broad audience. If relevant the story should furthermore be published in media addressing European decision makers.
  • supports cross-border reporting. This means they support teams of journalists from two or more countries who pool competences from each their countries for the research and who publish to each their individual target group and if relevant towards EU decision makers.
  • supports European affairs reporting. This means we support teams of journalists from two or more countries who research a European Union story for publication to reach their target group and towards EU decision makers.
  • Journalismfund on very rare occasions supports individual journalists covering European affairs if they fulfill the multiple publication requirements and if they have a good argument for working without colleagues from other countries.
  • supports costs related to journalistic research for all media. This can include travel, translation, access to pay-databases or simply time to research. They do not support fixed costs such as office costs, investments such as cameras or computers, nor do we support production costs.

Who can apply

  • supports journalists living in a Council of Europe country (geographical Europe). When relevant for the story, team members from elsewhere can be accepted, too.
  • Applicants must be working as professional journalists.
  • Only natural persons are eligible.
  • Students are not eligible.
  • Journalists who were previously allocated a working grant can reapply, but the jury will include the result of previous working grants in their evaluation of the new application.

Interested in applying for Journalismfund European Cross-border Research Grant 2018? Register your participation by followingĀ the registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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