Deadline: October 11, 2023 13:00 GMT-0800
[Oops, the opportunity has already expired. Sign up to AlphaGamma weekly newsletters to stay ahead of the game]| Apply here
Eligibility: applicants must be enrolled and accepted in a full-time Stanford graduate degree program.
Location: Stanford, CA, the United States

Knight-Hennessy Scholars 2024

Knight-Hennessy Scholars cultivates and supports a multidisciplinary and multicultural community of graduate students from across Stanford University and delivers engaging experiences that prepare graduates to be visionary, courageous, and collaborative leaders who address complex challenges facing the world.

A new cohort of students joins each year, adding to a diverse community of scholars from across disciplines, nationalities, perspectives, and backgrounds. You will learn together, collaborate on impactful projects, and develop lifelong friendships.

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Financial support for Knight-Hennessy Scholars during graduate study

During each of the first three years of graduate study, Knight-Hennessy scholars receive several types of funding:

  • 🎓 A fellowship applied directly to cover tuition and associated feesĀ 
  • 📚 A stipend for living and academic expenses (such as room and board, books, academic supplies, instructional materials, local transportation, and reasonable personal expenses)
  • 🌎 A travel stipend intended to cover an economy-class ticket for one annual trip to and from Stanford

Additional funding specific to certain years:

  • 💻 Newly enrolling scholars receive a one-time relocation stipend intended to offset some of the costs associated with relocation to the area and/or technology purchases.
  • 🤝 Scholars in their second and third years may apply for supplemental funds to support academic enrichment activities (e.g., conference travel).ā€‹

King Global Leadership Program

Funded by a generous gift from Dorothy and Robert King, MBA ā€™60, the King Global Leadership Program offers a wide range of workshops, lectures, projects, and experiences designed around the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Leadership Model.

These offerings complement scholars’ graduate school education and help them develop the traits and behaviors that will enable scholars to reach their leadership objectives.

Interested in applying for the Knight-Hennessy ScholarsĀ Program 2024? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ LinkedIn.


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