Deadline: March 15, 2017 | Apply here
Eligibility: Everyone can apply
Scholarship value: up to 98% of the total fees
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia

LEAF Academy Scholarships 2017

LEAF Academy is a boarding school for future leadership located in Bratislava, Slovakia. The Academy will be an international school with students from throughout the Central Europe region and beyond.


Students have access to world-class quality and value based education that is relatively close to their home.

  • Accessible: Quality education relatively close to home, in their homeland or a neighbouring country, scholarships available for the majority of students.
  • World-class: Quality in terms of curriculum, teachers background, the way they teach and the quality of students who study at the Academy.
  • Real-life: The programme involves a practical, hands-on, needs basing approach to developing innovativeness, design thinking and interpersonal skills.
  • Value-based: culture, values, people, processes and spaces play an important role, and so developing responsibility, moral courage, global awareness, humility and respect.


Adolescence is a time of growth, personal, academic and social and LEAF Academy will support all of its students through a safe and supportive community. Students will learn and live in a community of like-minded, supportive and open-minded peers and teachers.

  • Inspiring: Place in which staffulty (staff and faculty) and students create a community to inspire each other to dream and act big.
  • Supportive: Environment that is challenging, safe to experiment and encourages personal growth, the community that is supportive, regardless of the background of the individual.
  • Like-minded: High potential, active, talented and open-minded students of diverse profiles from Slovakia and abroad, mainly from the Central European region.
  • International: Exposure to different cultures and ways of life through learning and living together.
  • Friends: Lifelong friendships will be formed by both having fun and overcoming challenges together. LEAF Academy alumni network will have a global reach with its roots here in Slovakia.


  • Passions: Students discover what they are passionate about and shape their future educational and career path during high-school.
  • Mentors: Students will work closely with a number of adults including their teachers, advisors, residential faculty and coaches all of whom will help the student move through a process of self-discovery.
  • Partners: They acquire real-life skills via authentic projects, not only with teachers but also real business and NGO partners. With the students and partners, they create their own network of contacts for the future.

LEAF Academy Team

The LEAF Academy Team is composed of world-class professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including education, the private sector, civil service, and NGOs. They are a community of learners devoted to LEAFā€™s cause of providing the best education possible to individuals of character, regardless of their economic background.

Apart from teaching their own subject, tutors take upon themselves the role of dorm-parents, mentors, advisors, sports trainers, and organizers of co-curricular activities

Everyone can afford to apply

LEAF Academy practices a need-blind admission which means that a candidateā€™s ability to pay the school fee does NOT play a part in the admission decision. Therefore, the school fee should NOT be a considering factor for you when deciding to apply.

The School Fee and the Scholarship Program

LEAF Academy aims to make it possible for all students who are selected to attend LEAF Academy, regardless of their financial circumstances. They offer an extensive scholarship program and economically disadvantaged families are eligible for scholarships up to 98% of the total fees.

The school fee for one academic year at LEAF Academy is 21.400 EUR. This includes all tuition, accommodations, meals, transportation between dorms and school, books and other tuition related cost.

Once accepted, each student will be asked for further information about the familyā€™s financial status. The majority of admitted students can expect to receive scholarships covering their full demonstrated financial need. The scholarship is awarded to a student for the whole period of study (2 or 4 years). Currently, all of the students have been granted a scholarship.

LEAF Academy has students who have been granted the maximum scholarship and pay only 400 EUR a year. Families of the students who started last year were awarded more than 2,3 Mil euros in financial aid.

Scholarships typically come from individual donors who believe in LEAF Academy founding values and wish to help talented young people from Central Europe and beyond have access to a world-class educational experience.

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