Deadline: January 31, 2024 00:00 CET
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Eligibility: undergraduate students enrolled in a college or university

Millennium Fellowship 2024

The Millennium Fellowship is a semester-long leadership development program supported by the United Nations Academic Impact and MCN. As part of a cohort of 8-20+ Millennium Fellows on your campus, convene to learn from and challenge each other.

Access to world-class training, connections, and recognition is just an application away. Are you ready to take your social impact to the next level?

Convene, challenge, and celebrate

In Fellowship sessions, Millennium Fellows convene on their respective campuses, where Campus Directors will lead you through the MCN Action Toolkit – an adaptive curriculum to help you reflect on core values, hone skills, and take informed action for UN goals.

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The curriculum is experiential – it is meant to be applied to help you grow as a leader in real time as you manage your Project. As a campus hub, you will get exposed to a variety of elements during the Fellowship sessions as part of the MCN Action Toolkit:

  • Cultivating core values: empathy, humility, inclusion).
  • Honing hard skills (how to write a budget, create SMART goals).
  • Improving soft skills (team management, pitching your Project).
  • Peer-to-peer feedback – sharing best practices to help each other overcome obstacles to your Project and exploring further opportunities for collaboration.

You will take on the challenge – engaging in peer-to-peer feedback to support the Projects of your peers as you lead your own. As a campus hub, you may also choose to take on a collective action – for example, working with your administration to update a campus sustainability plan.

Interested in applying for the Page Case Study Competition 2024? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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