Deadline: April 8, 2020 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Dates: October 14-17, 2020
Eligibility: You are encouraged to apply if you are between the ages of 18 – 30, have an evidenced commitment to delivering positive change, demonstrate the capacity for leadership, are addressing key local and/or global issues in your work, have a track record of generating impactful and innovative ideas A, are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed below.
Location: Munich, Germany

One Young World Scholarships 2020

One Young World strives to identify the most impactful young leaders from every country in the world. Many One Young World delegates are top-performing professionals, sent to attend the Summit by forward-thinking managers who see the need for talent development.

Many are paving the way politically in their countries, sent to attend the Summit by governments who see the value in empowering young people. Many are changing the world starting at the grassroots, sent to attend the Summit by organisations who want to support young people making waves.

Scholarships provide the opportunity for exceptional young people to attend on the merit of their proven leadership and ability to create change in their home country.

In the midst of challenges and opportunities, it is young leaders who are devising meaningful strategies to build a more sustainable region. Are you one of those leaders? If so, One Young World is looking to bring you to the next annual Summit.

Available scholarships

Leading Africa Scholarship

Africa is host to the largest population of young people in the world, with over 60% of its population under the age of 25. With 72% of its labour force in ā€œvulnerableā€ employment and several countries experiencing challenges of governance and violent extremism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution could provide a lifeline to this young, eager population.

Given their sheer numbers, they have the ability to transform their regions, whether it be in governance, energy, infrastructure, medicine and beyond.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

The Americas Scholarships

The Americas are collectively going through major leadership transitions, with many of those changes in governance creating ripples of instability across the region.

Months long protests erupted in Chile and the humanitarian crisis engulfing Venezuela, both causing instability. Argentina’s debt crisis is still looming and misinformation is still o the rise throughout the region.

Yet in the midst of all the uncertainty, young leaders are emerging to set their countries back on course. The clean energy movement is taking heed and advancements in tech are looking to make societies more equitable.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

Leading AsiaĀ Scholarships

Across the Asian continent, every state is confronted by a series of interdependent challenges. After years of prosperity and growth, the trade war between China and the USA may have transformative effects on the structure of the entire region.

The 4IR is predicted to cause upheaval for industries that have sustained economies for decades. There has been a rapid rise of censorship across the South-East Asian region, increasingly in response to domestic instability.

Improving the treatment of ethnic-minority groups remains an urgent priority. The region is chiefly responsible for extraordinary amounts of plastic pollution.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

Leading EuropeĀ Scholarships

Europe finds itself at a crossroads. The environment is under threat despite the Green Deal at the forefront of Europeā€™s ambitions. The region is increasingly divided, with domestic upheavals and far-right, populist rhetoric espoused by the leaders of several European nations.

The pressure of migration is still being felt across the continent. The bounds of media freedom are being tested as relationships between states and the press become more adversarial. Europeā€™s economic outlook is pessimistic amid widespread uncertainty in a post-Brexit era.

The EU seeks to be at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but many European workforces are unprepared for the digital upheaval. Yet with the advancements in tech, medicine and energy, the future must be seen as bright.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

Leading The Middle East Scholarship

The Middle Eastā€™s future is filled with profound uncertainty. The region is host to one of the largest populations of young people, with around 65% of its population under the age of 30.

With several countries experiencing the turmoil of war, conflict and sanctions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution could provide a lifeline to this young, eager population. Given their sheer numbers, they have the ability to transform their regions, whether it be in governance, energy, infrastructure, medicine and beyond.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

Leading The Pacific Scholarship

Across the entire Pacific region, environmental issues dominate the agenda. Locally, communities are struggling against challenges of waste management, deforestation, overfishing, and the after-effects of nuclear testing.

These threats will soon render many of the Pacific Islands uninhabitable, but the regions receive negligible coverage in the global news. Leaders have struggled to connect this diverse collection of islands, but Pacific societies have prospered within their remote locations and have the potential to unite and drive change within the region.

You are eligible for sponsorship if you are a national (passport holding citizen) of one of the countries listed here.

What do the scholarships cover?

  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2020, taking place from 14-17 October 2020 in Munich, Germany.
  • Hotel accommodation on a shared basis for the duration of the Summit.
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the duration of the Summit.
  • Transport between the Summit accommodation and the Summit venue.
  • The cost of travel to and from the Summit location.

Interested in applying for the One Young World Scholarships 2020? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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