Dates: June 26-28, 2017 | Register here
starting from USD 395,-
Location: Boston, The United States

Strategic Talent Acquisition Conference 2017

Todayā€™s talent acquisition needs an end-to-end customer-centered approach to deliver exceptional service to external candidates and internal business, hiring managers, and candidates.

At this yearā€™s Strategic Talent Acquisition Conference you will learn how the most successful TA leaders use their expertise and powers of influence to make strong talent decisions to attract and keep the right people.

Why attend?

Become an influencer for key business decisions. Todayā€™s talent acquisition professional must understand business strategy in a way recruiters have never had to before.

As markets evolve, product cycles shorten and the global economy fluctuates, building the right workforce becomes a critical business process in which talent acquisition is key. Use relationships, technology and people analytics to deliver a high-quality workforce todayā€”and tomorrow.

Become a strategic advisor to the hiring manager. A better, more consultative relationship with hiring managers is a top driver of talent acquisition performance. Build trust and credibility by understanding the hiring managerā€™s business to become an advisor around talent market dynamics, meaningful job descriptions, and alternate talent pools.

Become a savvy marketer to engage the candidate. The rise of social and consumer technologies has changed candidate expectations. Todayā€™s candidates expect personalized contact, relevant messaging, and transparency.

To build a better long-term relationship, you need a marketerā€™s toolkit blended in your overall recruiting strategy to communicate your employer value proposition, create compelling messaging, build the right channel mix, use social media to engage candidates, and measure with the right data to identify key trends.

Enjoy these presentations featured at this year’s event

The Future of Work is About the Employee Experience

Two words will determine your ability to attract, hire, and retain your best talent for the foreseeable future: Employee Experiences.

In this HCI Keynote video, Jacob Morgan, author of The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization, explains how your organization can create high quality employee experiences by addressing its physical, technological, and cultural environments.

Analytical Goal Setting from Hiring to Performance Management

Companies waste countless hours (and dollars) replacing people who were hired based on gut instinct but who donā€™t ultimately pass the test.

In this HCI Keynote video, Charles Telep, Director of Talent Acquisition at LogMeIn, walks us through the scorecard-based approach this leading software-as-a-service company takes toward hiring at all levels.

Improving the Interview Loop and Optimizing the Candidate Experience

The cost of a bad hire may range anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. With the number of open roles increasing by 28% in 2016, it is critical that talent acquisition be targeted and purposeful about getting the right talent at the right time.

In this HCI Keynote video, Therasa Cha, Head of People and Culture at TASER International, shares a tale of two very different companies, and in their commonalities she uncovers recruitment approaches that get results.

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