Deadline: January 18, 2024 00:00 CET
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Eligibility: international teams of 2-5 students at all stages of their university careers, from undergraduate to postgraduate level
Location: Honolulu, HawaiŹ»i, USA

Student Design Competition at CHI 2024

CHI Student Design Competition is a premiere venue for students to demonstrate their skills in Interaction Design and User Experience.

The SDC poses a real-world challenge and demands that teams of students use a myriad of approaches (design research, brainstorming, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation, for starters) to develop their submissions.

The goals of the Student Design Competition

The Student Design Competition encourages contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations. It aims:

  • Provide an opportunity for students from a variety of backgrounds (e.g., computer science, HCI, industrial design, product design, visual design, interaction design, etc.) to participate in CHI and demonstrate their problem-solving and design skills in an international competition with their peers.
  • Provide an opportunity for students presenting at the design competition to meet with the CHI community, get an opportunity to network with experienced HCI and Design professionals, and build their portfolio as a designer.
  • Provide CHI attendees with refreshing perspectives on how design teams from different disciplines and different parts of the world approach a common design problem.
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The Competition structure

The competition follows a three-round process. Each teamā€™s short paper submission will be reviewed by both academic and professional design and usability experts. Each round focuses on communicating the teamā€™s ideas through a different mode.

  • Round One: Paper Submission, Poster and Video
    Expert reviewers will evaluate submissions of paper, video, and poster. A maximum of 12 teams will be selected to attend the CHI conference
  • Round Two: Poster Presentation
    Submissions selected for round two of the competition will be evaluated during a poster session at CHI 2024. A scheduled poster presentation event will take place during the conference.
  • Round Three: Final Presentation
    During this final round, students will give a short presentation of their research (more details to follow in the future) followed by a question and answer period, which will be evaluated by a panel of judges.

Interested in applying for the Student Design Competition at CHI 2024? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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