Deadline: January 24, 2024 15:00 CET
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Eligibility: individuals identifying with a Black heritage (including mixed backgrounds), holding or about to obtain a PhD but with less than 24 months of post-doctoral experience. Research should align with the Royal Societyā€™s natural sciences focus, covering biology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and physics, among other areas listed in their supported subject groups.
Location: the United Kingdom

The Royal Society Fellowship 2024

The Royal Society Career Development Fellowship is a four-year postdoctoral research fellowship that aims to support retaining researchers from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM.

Fellowships will provide funding to conduct high-quality research and a comprehensive programme of mentoring, training and networking opportunities to support award holders in establishing a successful research career in the UK.

Why apply?

The Royal Society Fellowship offers you substantial financial backing and comprehensive career development opportunities, including:

  • Up to Ā£690,000 over four years to cover the Research Fellowā€™s salary and associated on-costs (at 80%), directly allocated costs (at 80%) and research expenses;
  • A high-quality programme of training, mentoring and engagement to support career development;
  • Flexibility to accommodate personal circumstances, including part-time work. There is also provision for maternity, paternity, adoptive or extended sick leave.
  • Applicants can request relocation and visa costs for themselves and their dependants (partner and children). These costs can be requested in addition to the total grant cap of Ā£690,000 over four years.

Interested in applying for the Royal Society Fellowship 2024? Register your participation by following the application link and taking the suggested steps.

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