Deadline: April 30, 2018 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Eligibility: Full-time Undergraduate/Master students enrolled in a Japanese / British university
Dates: September 8-16, 2018
Location: London, the United Kingdom

UK x Japan Student Conference 2018

UK x Japan Student Conference is a conference for students from Japan and the UK.

The aim of the event is to foster exchanges between the two countries, starting from an active interaction of young people. Students from diverse backgrounds come together to think and discuss from a broad perspective.

Their mission is to build a hub for liberal academic discussion for youth in the UK and Japan where they can exchange ideas, broaden their vision and establish long-lasting relationships.

Migration and Labour Rights in the UK and Japan

The UK, although is now leaving, has long been a part of the EU and has been a pursuer of cosmopolitanism, while Japan continues to treat ā€˜immigrationā€™ and ā€˜nationalityā€™ with caution.

Analysing historical and cultural backgrounds, domestic issues and circumstances, a discussion will be held on how these two nations would address the future of human migration.

What it will involve

Below are the 8 elements considered to be the core experience of the conference.

  • Prior learning
    Participants will be divided into presentation groups of ~5 to research on a topic related to their country.
  • Lectures
    The conference will host specialists as guest speakers as a way of input that would spark thoughts and discussion.
  • Seminars
    Thoughts mentioned in the lectures will be discussed and thoughts on its potential/improvements will be shared.
  • Fieldwork
    Meet people / social sectors trying to improve the situation. Hear their experiences first-hand.
  • Presentation
    The conference will uncover alternate approaches towards the conferenceā€™s theme, and develop presentation skills.
  • Discussion
    Share thoughts on the presentations, and deepen understanding of topics researched by other groups.
  • Cultural exchange
    This is a unique opportunity where students living in Japan can share their own culture and experiences.
  • Report
    The discussion will be summarized in a report in order to improve future conferences.


  • Deepen your understanding of migration policy from social, political, and cultural perspectives
  • Enhance your leadership through group works
  • Stimulate your mind through interactive academic sessions with experts
  • Build lifelong relationships, not just connections with other participants
  • Be connected with future leaders of Japan and the U.K.

Interested in attending the UK x Japan Student Conference 2018? Register your participation by followingĀ the registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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