Deadline: November 30, 2020 00:00 CET| ApplyĀ here
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Eligibility: Your age is minimum 18 years or maximum 35 years by 1 October 2021.Ā UPG is looking for young determined people from all different paths of life and regions of the world. From well-experienced professionals to freshly graduated students.

UPG Sustainability Leadership Program 2021

UPG Sustainability Leadership is about positive citizen leadership on sustainability. It is a movement that encourages and enables citizens at all levels to take positive action.

A movement inspired by the UPGā€™s commitment to do what we can with what we have, rather than wait for someone else to act.Ā It is accurate to think of UPG Sustainability Leadership as a state of mind.

Bringing together people taking positive actions

UPG believes that sustainability includes BOTH the usual ā€œgreenā€ issues such as planting trees, recycling waste, managing energy, protecting the oceans AND that it also includes other issues that have been central to our societies for a long time such as education, health, jobs, gender equality, sustainable consumption, sustainable production and more.

For those who are familiar with it, UPG uses the UNā€™s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guide

Every individual and organisation can play a positive role

For 2021 UPG is training and certifying 500 young leaders from all over the world and flying 60 of them to a FREE, complementary and immersive 1-week experience on an island in the USA: the Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership.

In 2019 UPG successfully trained 60 UPG Sustainability Leaders from 30 countries around the world. They have gone on to train over 4,000 people (and counting) and to implement projects within their communities.

UPG Sustainability Leadership is FREE for young people thanks to the wonderful support of the Partners who believe in positive citizen leadership on sustainability.

Interested in attending the UPG Sustainability Leadership Program 2021? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ LinkedIn.


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