Deadline: April 8, 2021 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Eligibility: The program is looking to support startups with solutions to citiesā€™ toughest challenges, particularly startups creating products in the following sectors: public health and safety, food waste and water, city infrastructure, energy, mobility, and government technology.

URBAN-X Accelerator Program 2021

Every six months URBAN-X selects up to 10 urbantech startups and invest at least $100,000 per company. The 20-week accelerator program equips startups facing the unique challenges of working with and in cities.

  • $10,000,000Ā average investment per company
  • 6 experts on-site ‘Experts-in-residence’
  • at least $100,000Ā initial fundingĀ from URBAN-X

Why apply?

The URBAN-X accelerator program provides 20 immersive weeks of customer development, product development, network-building and expert guidance for startups ā€“ all in preparation for fundraising.

This accelerator is unique in that the mentors are experts in urbantech challenges and deeply understand regulated industries and government procurement.

  • Investment Offering

At least $100,000 initial funding. No catches. No education fees. No rent. Startups have full ownership over deciding how the investment will be spent.

  • Deployment & Customers

Being able to prove that customers want new products or services is an essential measurement for seed stage investors. URBAN-X helps startups meet and secure potential customers because traction is paramount.

  • Design Resources

Each startup has access to unparalleled, human-centric design, product development and engineering knowledge through world-class in-house MINI and BMW design talent.

  • Global Exposure

Media access and press across our global network. Opportunities to feature your solution and showcase your team to target customers in the US, EU and Asia.

Interested in applying for the IAKS Architecture and Design Awards 2021? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ LinkedIn.


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