Deadline: March 1, 2023 00:00 CET
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Eligibility: young leaders inĀ education between the ages of 25 and 33.
Locations: Milan, Italy, Doha, Qatar, and online

WISE Emerging Leaders 2023

WISE Emerging Leaders is a nine-month fellowship program for the next generation of leaders in education who wish to embark on a learning journey that cultivates the mindsets, skills, and techniques necessary to thrive, nurture communities, and transform education systems.

Collaborate for collective impact

In a time when education is disrupted by multiple crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the burnout epidemic, and the ecological collapse, WISE believes it is ever more important to create stimulating and nourishing spaces for education leaders to come together, connect meaningfully, learn with each other, and collaborate for collective impact.

Transforming education systems requires change at the structural and systemic levels, but also at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels.

Leaders who lead with self-awareness, compassion, and creativity, who cultivate their own and their teamā€™s wellbeing, and who weave people and projects together are leaders who can spark innovation and systemic change.

Who is the WISE Emerging Leaders Fellowship for?

The WEL Fellowship brings together 15ā€“20 carefully selected young leaders in education from around the world in a hybrid format consisting of in-person residential sessions, a series of online workshops with education experts, a number of asynchronous reflective blog posts, a concrete project to apply in their organizations, and tailored mentoring support to develop their project.

WISE is seeking to collaborate with high-impact organizations to nominate young education professionals from within their organizations or network to support their personal and professional development.

How does the fellowship work

WISE will cover the following costs for Fellows joining the residential sessions:

return flights, accommodation, meals, in-country transportation, venue hire, and workshop material.

The WEL 2023 Fellows will participate in two in-person residential sessions, first on 31 May ā€“ 10 June 2023 near Milan, Italy, and second in late November/early December in Doha, Qatar.

Fellows will integrate their learning journey with 8 online interactive workshops aimed at deepening their connections, engaging with distinguished education experts, collaborating with each other, and reflecting on their progress in the Fellowship.

Interested in applying for the WISE Emerging Leaders 2023? Register your participation by following theĀ application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā Instagram,Ā andĀ LinkedIn.


  1. Hello
    I m ghofran i m 20 years old i m from Tunisian i m spanish student due to the esucatuve systhem here i can speak several languages starting from arabic my native language frensh/english/spanish/portugais/turkish


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