Deadline: August 31, 2018 00:00 CEST| Apply here
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Eligibility:Ā Any entrepreneur, company, student group or project team – at least one of the founding members and the majority of the team must be under the age of 30 (born on or after January 1, 1988).

WSA Young Innovators 2018

WSA Young Innovators is a special recognition for young social entrepreneurs under 30 years of age, using ICTs to take action on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Together with the WSA winners of each year, they are honored as outstanding digital innovation with social impact.

Who should apply?

WSA Young Innovators 2018 is created for young citizens of all UN member states, WSA Young Innovators is open to every start-up, social entrepreneur, NGO, student or individual!

The participation in the WSA Young Innovators is open to any entrepreneur, company, student group or project team – at least one of the founding members and the majority of the team must be under the age of 30 (born on or after January 1, 1988).

Submissions for the WSA Young Innovators can contain all mobile and web-based projects, such as apps, web pages, applications for wearables, kiosk installations, SMS based products, games and interactive productions.

There is no limitation regarding the platforms or channels the projects work with.

Participation and submission

  • Taking part in the WSA Young Innovators contest is eligible through submission of a project with a clear digital component to the WSA Database.
  • Only submitted and fully filled in applications will be considered by the WSA Young Innovators Jury.
  • All information entered in the application form of the WSA Database must be in English.
  • Main team members of the projects submitted must be under 30 years of age (born on or after January 1, 1988).
  • The timeline is the same as the WSA Global.
  • An especially assembled Jury will evaluate all entries.

Project criteria

  • The projects which are developed by young innovators under the age of 30
  • Offer digital solutions to any of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Deliver content-rich digital solutions to users, including individuals, businesses, and organisations
  • Have a strong digital component: websites, apps, SMS based solutions, IoT, wearables etc.
  • Market ready or already launched on the market – no ideas or concepts are eligible

Interested in attending the WSA Young Innovators 2018? Register your participation by followingĀ the registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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