Deadline: January 31, 2023 23:59 GMT+0800
[Oops, the opportunity has already expired. Sign up to AlphaGamma weekly newsletters to stay ahead of the game]| Register here
Dates: April 14-18, 2023
Eligibility: students and graduates born after January 1, 1992. Candidates must possess a minimum of a Bachelorā€™s degree in any field at the time of application. Candidates must have never previously attended the Yenching Global Symposium or the Yenching Social Innovation Forum.
Location: Beijing, China

Yenching Global Symposium 2023

The Yenching Global Symposium (YGS) is a fully-funded 5-day conference that brings together scholars and professionals from different fields and generations. What unites all attendees is a shared interest in China’s affairs.

YGS is the flagship event of the Yenching Academy of Peking University, initiated and organized by the students of the Academy.

äŗ’ Humanity: Cartographies of Collaboration

For YGS 2023, the conference theme is äŗ’ Humanity: Cartographies of Collaboration.

The goal of the symposium is to foster interaction between people across different cultures, societies, and borders.

To promote mutual understanding and achieve consensus are among other objectives of the event.

Lastly, the forum act as a stage for discussing ideas and collaborations to address pressing global chalenges.

alphagamma Yenching Global Symposium opportunities

During the Sympsoium, participants will explore connections and opportunities for cooperation along three dimensions:

  • Geographical Affinity
  • Cultural Affinity
  • Human Affinity

Are you passionate about international cooperation?

Do you want to make your mark on the important global discussion about China and the world?

Then apply for the YGS, one of Chinaā€™s most competitive and leading forums for emerging leaders to engage on these issues!

Yenching Global Symposium has been previously held five times with diverse participants from more than 60 countries and regions around the world.

Every year, delegates can expect to network with like-minded peers and high-calibre experts on China-related topics.

Guest speakers have ranged from international diplomats, television anchors, and high-ranking Chinese officials, to renowned artists and journalists.

Interested in applying for the Yenching Global Symposium 2023? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

For more life-changingĀ opportunities, subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletterĀ and follow us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook,Ā InstagramĀ andĀ LinkedIn.


  1. Hello! Greetings from Bulgaria <3

    I saw that on facebook and because I am extremely interested in China (esp. the global warming and the ,,1 country – 2 systems initiative") I would like to take part in it! Right now I am studying social psychology and criminal psychology in Sofia's University and we discuss China almost on weekly bases … Also – here in Bulgaria I have a lot of friends which are from China or whose families originate from China.

    So – my questions so far are: Are there other people from Bulgaria with which we can organize to travel?
    And 2nd – how much of the ticket's price will be returned to us when the event finishes (planes / trains … etc.)

    Thank you in advance <3

    • Hello Tihomir,

      Thanks for your questions! šŸ™‚ It sounds like your profile would be a great fit for the conference.

      The flights and accommodation are all paid for for selected participants. You will be able to know about other selected participants only after the selections have been made.

      Let us know if you have any other questions in the meantime, but for now, we wish you much success with your application!


  2. Hello,
    I am very much interested in this opportunity since it fosters leadership and international cooperation.
    I am a second year medical student from Morocco, am I eligible to apply ?
    Thank you.

    • Hello Kenza,

      Thanks for getting in touch and expressing your interest in the conference! šŸ˜€

      The current edition is quite restrictive as it is open to graduate students only.

      But fret not, we have other opportunities in store, so feel free to join our weekly newsletter (it’s free), which we release every Saturday.


  3. Hello,
    I hope you are doing well, I’m from Algeria
    I am a student in an engineering school that does not give us a bachelor’s degree after 3 years but we graduate with an engineering degree in computer science + a master’s degree after 5 years.
    Am I eligible to apply?
    Also, we are studying modules in English at my school is that enough, I also have an EFSET test with C1 in English Can I use it to apply?

    Thank you for answering

    • Hello Yara,

      Thanks for getting in touch with us! šŸ™‚

      Currently, the conference is meant for the graduate students.

      But we encourage you to follow us on social media and to sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay updated on other international opportunities.


    • Hi Yara,
      I am also intersted in international cooperation but unfortunately my condition is also same like you. I was looking some friends from Algeria to know more about your country, so would like to share me? Though i know most of the things are available in google but to get a better picture of anything it’s wise to know from the experienced one.
      Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi
    Iā€™m so much interested into getting a chance to join this conference, Iā€™m 23 years old arab girl that have Israeli passport, i have a bachelorā€™s degree in middle eastern history an soon will get my masters in Human Resources.
    Am I eligible to apply?

    • Hello Miriam,

      Thanks for getting in touch with us! šŸ™‚

      Yes, so far your background sounds eligible. Make sure to submit your application by January 31.

      In the meantime, feel free to follow us on social media and to sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay updated on other international opportunities.


    • Hey Fufa,

      Thanks for stopping by! šŸ™‚ Then we encourage you to apply.

      The application deadline is January 31!

      If you have any other questions, let us know!

      Make sure to follow us on social media in the meantime and sign up for our free weekly newsletter, where we feature other international career opportunities.


  5. Hello!

    I am interested in applying; however, I have a couple of questions.

    1) In the field regarding our CV, it says “remove any identifying information from your CV”. What does that mean exactly? Perhaps that we should remove our address and phone number?

    2) Since I come from Montenegro and China hasn’t opened its borders for tourists yet, do you think we can realistically expect that to happen by April?

    Thank you!

    • Hello Marija,

      Thanks for your interest! šŸ™‚

      1) It means to remove your name, surname and gender, as well as your contact details. This would allow the jurors to judge the evaluations in an unbiased manner.

      2) Yes, China has already gradually started opening up its borders to other countries. The chances are that all restrictions will be lifted by that time.

      Let us know if you have any other questions. šŸ™‚


  6. I am very much interested in this opportunity since it fosters leadership and international cooperation.
    I am a music teacher and I completedmy masterdegree on music therapy, am I eligible to apply ?
    Thank you.

    • Hi Siwar,

      Thanks for your interest! šŸ™‚

      If you have previously been involved with China or Asia in general (e.g., did some exchange projects, took part in an event there etc.), then your application stands a chance.

      Let us know if you have any other questions.


  7. Hello and greetings from the UK!

    First, may I please ask if this symposium will be held online for people who do not live in mainland China; or will it be held in Beijing? Second, will it be held in Beijing or in Hainan? I am asking because I read on YGS’s website that it will be held in Hainan for attendees who live in mainland China, and online for those who live outside of China.

    Thank you.


    • Hello Amber,

      Thanks for your interest and thanks for stopping by! šŸ™‚

      We are right across the pond as we are based in Amsterdam!

      The organizers introduced some changes: namely, the venue and the participation of international attendees. Even though China has gradually started to re-open, some limitations still apply. The organizers decided to play it safe and keep it online for international attendees, sadly.

      Let us know if you have any other questions!


  8. Hello,
    As soon as I submitted the application for YGS 2023 conference, I noticed that I should’ve removed all the contact information from my CV. Currently, my contact information is available in the CV uploaded from my end. I would like to ask you to help me solve the issue.
    If that is something serious and will prevent me from moving forward in the process, please inform me and let me know how I can reupload a CV without the contact information indicated there.

    Thank you in advance,

    • Hello Giorgi,

      Thanks for stopping by! šŸ™‚

      I would suggest you to re-submit your application, perhaps using another email.

      Let us know if you have any additional questions.


  9. Hello,

    is it possible that the application portal was closed earlier than stated above? It is 16:05 GMT but the possibility to apply has disappeared.


    • Hello Lenka,

      Thanks for stopping by! šŸ™‚

      The deadline was today at 23:59 Beijing time and the organizers are strict with the deadline cut-off.

      But fret not: we constantly feature other opportunities like this on AlphaGamma.

      Feel free to follow us on social media and sign up for our free weekly newsletter.

      Have a lovely day!


  10. Hello!

    I applied for the conference but sadly overlooked the CV without the personal information tab. Not the application is already closed. Anything else that can be done?
    My main question is, when will we know if we were accepted?

    Thank you for the answer!
    Hana from Slovenia


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