Deadline: November 12, 2023 23:59 GMT-0500
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Dates: June 1, 2024 - June 1, 2025
Eligibility: open to all young people between 18 ā€“ 26 from all over the world who wish to address community projects in the areas of education, health, and economic security
Location: New York and Burlington, the United States

Young Leaders Fellowship Program 2024

The Young Leaders Fellowship is a year-long program that prepares young people to become leaders of change in their communities through leadership development, global citizenship, self-awareness, and vision planning.

The aim of the Fellowship Program is to mobilize young people with the skills and resources needed to create and implement vision plans in the area of education, health, and economic security.

The program team, mentors, and mentees all work together to impact communities through innovative ideas and tangible projects.

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How does the program work

MCW Globalā€™s Young Leaders Fellowship begins with the Community Needs Assessment ā€“ A one-month community needs mapping that will prepare you to understand your local community better.

After the community needs assessment, you will participate in a one-month intensive Virtual Program that empowers you to become the leader of positive change in your communities.

After Virtual Learning, you will spend 10 months developing your action plan with support from alumni mentors.

Why apply?

The Fellowship covers the following costs:

  • International Economy Flights for international participants
  • Domestic Economy flights for United States participants
  • Housing from the evening of July 8 ā€“ July 18, 2024
  • Three meals per day from July 9 ā€“ July 18, 2024
  • Round Trip Travel from New York, New York to Burlington, Vermont
  • Public Transportation to/from JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Airports
  • Accommodations will be provided by New York University in New York and Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.

Interested in applying for the Young Leaders Fellowship Program 2024? Register your participation by following theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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