Dates: February 11-16, 2018 | Apply here
Eligibility:Ā Person of any age from any country is welcome to apply for the course.
Price: EUR 550,-
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop 2018

Do you feel youā€™re not being effective with the work you do? You become tired too quickly? Would you like to develop your own effectiveness? And become more successful and productive in professional and personal life?

Then you are invited to join Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop which will take place from 11th to 16th February 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Young leaders who wish to contribute to their communities are invited to join the workshop and learn more about youth entrepreneurship.

Young leaders will be offered workshops to introduce them to various aspects of the topic with the special emphasis on how to move from theory to practice in the field of youth entrepreneurship.

You will also learn how to realize your own potential as a young entrepreneur.

Why apply?

Development of youth entrepreneurship is an effective way to contribute to the economic development of the community! Young people ā€“ young leaders ā€“ are the key mechanism for such development. The Workshop will allow you to unlock your entrepreneurial potential as a young leader.

During the course each person will go through a series of assessments in order to understand what are the issues not allowing him/her to be effective at work or personal life. After those assessments the results will be analysed and each person will receive their individual recommendations on how they could become more effective!

If you feel you have the soul of an entrepreneur but do not know yet how to put this into practise ā€“ join the Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop in Amsterdam!


Note: The tickets to and from the Netherlands are not included in the price. The participants need to purchase their tickets additionally.

The fee for the course is 550 euro. The fee includes:

  • Accommodation (in Amsterdam)
  • The course (including all costs of the materials)
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch and coffee-breaks)

Experience unique accommodation

Participants of the event will be offered a great opportunity to experience unique accommodation ā€“ hotel on the boat! Yes, participants wonā€™t be accommodated just in a regular hotel, they will be accommodated in the hotelā€¦on the boat!

In this way you will not just visit Amsterdam for a course but will also have a chance to enjoy one of the things that Amsterdam is famous for ā€“ its accommodation on the boats!

How to apply?

In order to apply for the program ā€“ please send an email to the following address ā€“

Please indicate the following information in the text of the email:

Full name
Date of birth
Telephone number
Title of the course you are applying for
The reasons why you would like to join the course and the expectations you have from the course

Please send a copy of the email to ā€“

There is no age or geographical limits for the applicants. Person of any age from any country is welcome to apply for the course.

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ sections and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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