If you want your business to grow and stay competitive, you not only need to make upgrades to the products and services you offer but also get the right tools to run your business.

7 business tools that are needed in every company

As technology continues to be a crucial part of our lives, companies that can keep up with the changes can have a competitive advantage.

If you want to make 2018 a success regarding business, consider using the tools discussed in this article.

1. GoogleSuite

GoogleSuite is the number one business tool of choice that most business owners consider.

Since it can perform cloud-based computing, you can be able to communicate with your employees remotely easily.

Furthermore, you can be able to give your clients immediate feedback from anywhere.

Data and information are saved and backed up to other centers, allowing most businesses to perfect their marketing strategies.

Once your data is saved, you have to ensure that you make use of cloud data security to keep everything safe from foreign intruders who might have ill intentions.

2. GoodHire

The process of hiring and retaining employees is essential to any organization.

GoodHire assists in the hiring process by providing background checks, verifying identities and drug screenings.

The tool helps you in fielding and verifying potential employees.

By using this tool, you are assured of enrolling employees who are fully qualified to perform the job.

3. PropFuel

As the leader, you should know what your employees are thinking.

Is your team productive enough? Do your employees need some things in the office changed? Answer such questions is tough.

PropFuel is a platform used by employers to get information from their employees.

It enables employees to take surveys and share their thoughts.

Once you can get information from all your employees, you can be able to treat them better and maximize productivity.

4. Due

In todayā€™s business world, you have to incorporate e-commerce if you are targeting success.

More and more people are transacting online. Your business needs to have a reliable and stable platform for processing payments.

To achieve that, Due is what you need. Using Due ensures that you get paid faster and can process credit cards better.

In case Due experiences any technical hitches, the customer support is reliable and efficient.

5. Buffer

In modern world business, everyone uses at least one social media platform.

If your company has a strong social media presence, or you want to upgrade your standings, Buffer can help you manage all your content on all your social media platforms.

For a monthly fee of only $10, Buffer allows you and one other person of your choice the chance to post, update, and integrate all your social media profiles.

You can also use Buffer to monitor your content.

Because Buffer is affordable and user-friendly, it is the best option when it comes to maintaining social media.

6. Intercom

Studies show that most clients prefer communicating with businesses using live chats. Intercom provides companies with a secure, easy-to-use live chat platform.

Intercom has a variety of tools that provide live chat needs.

It allows the sales team to start conversations with prospective clients easily. In 2018, Intercom is a must have.

7. Calendar

Begin smartly setting your business schedules.

By using Calendar, you and your team will be able to schedule meetings and track projects in an organized manner.

Calendar also integrates with apps like Uber, so it can be able to calculate the ideal meeting location and how you will get there.

In conclusion, for your business to be successful in 2018, you need to have productive employees.

Make proper use of the tools mentioned in this article to ensure that every member of your team saves time and company resources.

What has been your experience with these tools?Ā What tools do you normally use to run your venture? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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