There are still two months to go before 2015, and it means more opportunities for you to enlarge your professional network further. I love attending such conventions as they help you create leads, meet prospective partners and investors and get feedback and fresh insights on your ideas and projects.

However, prior to attending a conference you should prepare and have concrete goals to get the most out of your visit. The Arctic Startup guys shared an unusual, yet effective plan that you can create to maximize your efforts.

So here’s what’s in the pipeline:

Web SummitĀ (November 4-6) [Dublin, Ireland]Ā Tickets from ā‚¬790

Itā€™s been called ā€œthe best technology conference on the planetā€ with the attendee numbers growing hugely year-by-year, exceedingĀ 20,000+ this year. Attendees range from Fortune 500 companies to the most exciting startups in the world. Their speakers are world-class, and the networking, as they put it, is ā€œsimply legendaryā€. This year the stage will be occupied by very respected industry names like Peter Thiel (PayPal founder, Founders Fund founder), Drew Houston (Dropbox founder) and John Sculley (Former Apple CEO). I am personally attending this event, so I’m going to write a separate article about it.

SlushĀ (November 18-19) [Helsinki, Finland] Ā Tickets ā‚¬295 (early stage)/ā‚¬395

Hugely popular Slush is the focal point for Eurasian startups and tech talent to meet with international investors, executives and the media. In 2014, Slush is expectingĀ to bring together 10,000 attendees and 2000+ companies for the 2-day event, and as they say it will be the biggest ever technical production in the history of Finland, outclassing Eurovision Song Contest production from 2007.

Le WebĀ (December 9-11) [Paris, France] Tickets from ā‚¬790

Launched in 2004, LeWeb is the international conference for digital innovation where visionaries, startups, tech companies, brands and leading media converge to explore todayā€™s hottest trends and define the future of business.

Le Web has The Startup Competition, where they invite you to enter online for a chance to pitch your project to a panel of selected judges. This year LeWeb launched its first-ever Startup Tour to explore the most vibrant ecosystems and identify the most promising startups around the world. You can check out their speakers here.

The floor is yours…

Do you know any other interesting startup events in Europe and beyond? Let us hear about them by leaving your insights in the comment section below!


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