Deadline: January 31, 2024 00:00 GMT+0800
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Eligibility: international startups and SMEs who have a ready solution to address at least one of their challenge statements
Location: Singapore

Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 2024

The Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge, organised by Enterprise Singapore, brings together established corporates across industries to collaborate with startups and SMEs to co-develop, test, and pilot solutions to wide-ranging challenge statements, aimed at addressing sustainability goals.

Effect tangible change for both your business and the persisting sustainability goals of our planet

In the face of unparalleled global challenges, our planet stands at a critical juncture. We need urgent action to address environmental threats such as climate change, excessive disposable waste, and the depletion of natural resources.

The Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge welcomes submissions in two categories: demand-led challenge statements and the Open Category.

The key themes for the challenge are Climate Change, Green Buildings, Sustainable Agriculture and Trade, and Sustainable Materials. In addition, this challenge also features an Open Category, welcoming additional sustainability-focused solutions.

Why apply?

Successful innovators will gain a unique opportunity to engage in co-innovation with corporate partners, benefiting from their invaluable expertise, mentorship, and substantial resources.

In addition, prizes include potential grant support of S$75,000 from Hexagon Group, as well as funding and real-world testing facilitated by industry pioneers.

Prizes for winning innovators include:

  • Paid pilot and trial opportunities
  • Support worth a total of S$3 million is available for winning innovators
  • Opportunities for co-innovation with industry partners, drawing on their extensive expertise and resources
  • Networking and mentoring opportunities

Interested in applying for the Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 2024? Register your participation by following theĀ application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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