For Entrepreneurs, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Digital Officers, Brand builders and Digital Marketing Professionals:

Digital marketing is convenient and user-friendly when designed and devised keeping in mind the end users.

It is more cost-effective compared with traditional waysĀ of marketing and advertising.

It is easy to estimate and target the right audiences at the right time.

For Consumers:

It’s the way of life. It becomes the obvious way to shop.

That’s because customers have a personalised service across brands in a convenient way.

Moreover, the companies bring together the most suitable range of product/services based on the customer requirements and purchasing patterns.

With home delivery options, exemplary and exquisite deals, discounts, offers, with quick and hassle free return policies, it becomes an easy way to shop.

For Stakeholders:

Digital campaigns today are planned to keep in mind the stakeholder’s goals and brand building.

In addition, monitoring in a way that enriches and adds value to costumers too is also important.

In this context, digital marketing has empowered brands across the globe and industries, regardless of the size and age of the organisation, to deliver the power packed, ROI-focused results.

So how can you be sure that the end user is going to look for your brand and products online?

You should ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • What makes you so important?
  • What makes you stand out?
  • Why should the customer prefer your brand, product or service over someone else?

12 power guides to use digital marketing and social media:

1. How to get true value

You may get true value to your company by creating a Knowledge Resource Center (KRC) online.

Some examples may be blog posts, forums with live-chat support, do-it-yourself videos, etc.

Generate truly insightful and resourceful content.

Digital marketing, with a power, packed content marketing plan for organisations, may increase the trust your costumers have in your brand.

Moreover, it should help you to reach the adequate target customer.

2.Ā How to create your branding

It’s important to be noticed as a business. Which is very difficult if you don’t do it right, especially online.

Why? BecauseĀ it’s easy to get lost in the clutter that runs in billions of video hours, tweets, posts, articles, and other digital content.

So it is essential to use digital metrics like Google Analytics, Facebook insights, Twitter analytics, Instagram insights, and other analytics tools to understand whom to reach and when.

Active users, cohort reports, affinity categories, when your fans are online, who has mentioned you, etc. Insights like these empowerĀ branding exercise and campaigns.

Insights like these empowerĀ branding exercise and campaigns.

Using pay per click campaign tools like Google AdWords, Facebook ads, LinkedIn advertisements, etc. you can create the perfect branding campaign online.

3. Which platforms users prefer to engage on

For B2B businesses, blog posts, case studies, and white paper articles play a crucial role in connecting with other corporates and building trust.

Along the similar lines, for B2C customers, using the right set of social networking sites and creating user-friendly apps go a long way.

It’s not necessary to be on every single social networking platform.

Rather than that, you should be on sites and across devices that are relevant to your prospects.

4. What your true value proposition is

Move over the hooplah!

Everyone says they are the best and most innovative among their competitors.

But in today’s quick-paced environment, what your brand can deliver, how soon and how convenient the process is, define your level of personalization and value proposition.

5. How relevant is your message to their needs

Let’s say your customers require quick delivery of food with the flavour and essence of a home-cooked meal.

You are promoting your brand with a message that your food is a ‘fine dining experience’. What do you think will happen?

Similarly, let’s say your prospective corporate client in your B2B sector is obsessed with after-sales services.

You are hooked on your brand’s global presence, credentials and your ability to offer great pricing. What is going to happen in this case?

In both cases, although you as a brand are sharing power-packed compelling messages, these are not the right messages for the audience.

Digital marketing allows you to create customized campaigns and advertising messages that reach the audiences based on what they are searching for.

An example is Google AdWords.

This tool allows you to create ads that focus on keywords across your website. It also can direct you to specific sites useful to your blog.

With those ads, you would be promoting your blog or site through target users, so that they see what they are searching for.

6. What makes your service/product the obvious choice

Digital marketing and social media allowĀ you to plan a content calendar able to reach out to users across devices at different time zones.

At the same time, it also enables you to encourage and invite conversations online.

These chats allow interested buyers or corporate inquiries to understand what you stand out in comparison with your peers.

Using the right medium and platform, organisations can design and promote creative messages that speak about them as a brand.

Messages that specify what they are and what they can really do for your requirements.

7. How past credentials, awards, accolades help you win credibility and trust

Age is not a guarantee of experience and neither is youth an assurance of innovation.

You as a brand or an organisation need to rely on your awards, accolades and accomplishments in your field of work to build credibility and trust.

Marketing through online medium makes this a simple process.

Earlier one had to have massive budgets to reach out to a large group of audiences. Going global with their brand messaging was only a dream of Fortune 500 companies.

But today, with the power of digital marketing, every day scores of start-ups are able to build brand value and reach as much or even more than multinational corporations.

All of this is possible because the cost of marketing online is optimised in terms of the goals it is expected to deliver.

So you can designĀ it based on your organisation’s budget and timeline requirements.

Sharing your past accolades, awards and credentials across the right set of users is now merely a matter of a blend between analytics and pay per click advertising online.

8. How digital-centric is your product or service?

Today, customers are more worried about the ā€œperformance after a certain period of time and ease of use at the beginningā€.

So, make sure your product or service is easy to customise to fit into the digital realm in terms of access, usability, and service. This way it will automatically have a better appeal to final users.

This way it will automatically have a better appeal to final users.

Banking solutions example

Recently with the introduction of ‘demonetization’ in India, the entire nation came to a moment of a standstill.

Now, users across the country who have been able to integrate digital transactions conveniently and without hassle into their routine seem to be very happy about it.

Of course, there are always two sides to a coin. Here, I would also like to share a real life example.

Let’s say a student has had a mishap and cannot physically go to their management college to write the exam.

But imagine the said educational institution enables a process which monitors the student via online video and allows him/her to have the exam from home.

It could be a massive relief for the student. Although it’s not as easy as it sounds, it’s definitely not impossible.

9. How do you address problems?

Digital marketing has plenty of options for making your after-sales service useful and helpful.

Through support guides, videos, simple online support and chat systems you can assure your prospective customers that you will stand by their side at all times.

10. How accessible are you?

Did you know that one of the greatest hassles users discuss when buying an electronic device is having to carry it to their service centres?

Imagine a country like India. You travel three to four hours to get your laptop serviced.

You end up having to leave your precious data at the mercy of the ‘experts’ who are to look into your problems. It is for sure a deal breaker.

Onsite services to taking the product at the service centres would be a good solution to that.

11. What is the cost to value equation?

Getting a customer to convert using advertising was always an expensive process.

Not to mention the business age in the sense that the number of days it takes to meet-up and converts an enquiry into a customer.

The customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV) are really important metrics.

You can calculate them easily by using video conferencing, giving access to your organisation’s past accolades, future strategies, customization level of service, etc.

That, with the focused or goal based ROI, a well planned, designed and executed digital marketing campaign can deliver the great return for the organisation.

When implemented effectively, it can reap the rewards immediately.

12. What do you want to achieve as a brand using these digital tools?

PLAN your GOALS accordingly. Everything can be measured online.

You can monitor and customise every aspect, click, buying behaviour, preferences to give final users the best experience today.

Using the right tools and strategies, brands can plan realistic and relevant goals to deliver the best digital marketing campaigns with great success.

Today, it’s no longer about how to go online, it’s about how soon you can get started

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s build a powerful brand online using the best digital marketing and social media strategies based on a truly customer-centric environment.

Why? Because businesses are built dime a dozen, but organisations are seldom created.

Focus on value and success will follow.

Let me know what you think about these tips in the comment section below.

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