Deadline: May 15, 2021 00:00 CEST
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Eligibility: Applicants should be under 35 years of age and have a qualified university degree in a humanities, social or natural science subject.
Location:Ā Caputh, Germany

Albert Einstein Scholarship 2022

With the Albert Einstein Scholarship, the Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation want to offer outstanding young scientists from Germany and abroad the opportunity to carry out a research project that is outside of their previous work.

The aim is to support those young universalists who – similar to Albert Einstein – are not only characterized by their exceptional achievements in a specific field of science, but also by their interdisciplinary commitment.

Why apply?

The scholarship is linked to a stay in the summer house of Einstein’s summer house in Caputh, which lasts between five and six months.

The Einsteinhaus is a place of significance in terms of both science and architecture history, with links to the universities of Potsdam and Berlin.

The scholarship holder receives a grant of EUR 10,000 as well as the travel expenses incurred.

How to apply

The applications for 2022 should a CV and an exposƩ of the activities planned under the grant project (both in English) and include two academic references.

The scholarship holders are expected to adequately document the scientific work carried out during the months in Caputh.

Documentation includes giving a public lecture at the Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation.

The proposed project does not have to be completed within the given timeframe, but can serve as a starting point for a new, longer project.

The funding is not awarded for research projects within a dissertation. Submitted projects must differ significantly in content, area and form from the applicant’s previous work.

Interested in applying for the Albert Einstein Scholarship 2021? Register your participation by followingĀ theĀ registration linkĀ and taking the suggested steps.

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