Deadline:Ā January 7, 2017 | Apply here
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Dates:Ā April 9-14, 2017
Location: Stanford, The United States

ASES Summit 2017

ASES Summit is held at the heart of Silicon Valley, the life and blood of the technology world. By now you know that during the Summit week, you will meet incredible entrepreneurs, visit amazing tech ventures, and work on your very own pitch presentations.

Delegates with an ardent passion for entrepreneurship and technology or even prior professional experiences in the tech-sphere will be able to both gain and contribute more out of their Summit. Keep this in mind as you apply.

The summit is hosted by Stanford Universityā€™s Asia-Pacific Student Entrepreneurship Society (ASES)!

This isnā€™t another one of those expensive, snazzy conferences people pay thousands of dollars to attend and be put in nice hotels with classy food and way too much ā€œnetworking.ā€

No, this is ASES Summit. It’s organized to solve the worldā€™s toughest problems. ASES Summit will push you to work harder than you ever have before, teach you things you would never have encountered, and to break you out of your comfort zone and your current way of thinking.

On day one, be prepared to hit the ground running. Youā€™ll form teams and in just seven days, youā€™ll be expected to solve a wicked problem and pitch your solution to a panel of seasoned Silicon Valley experts.

Every day, there will be hosted Stanford-led workshops and incredible speakers, designed to create the perfect blend of practical, actionable skills, and advice with mind-blowing, perspective-changing inspiration.

By the end of Summit, youā€™ll be comfortable being uncomfortable, youā€™ll see the world in a completely different light, and youā€™ll have formed deep bonds with 34 other of the worldā€™s brightest entrepreneurs.

Get ready for the Summit

Design thinking

Design thinking is an actionable and effective way of creatively solving problems. Itā€™s taught at Stanford and embraced by the Valleyā€™s best startups. In one week, you will learn it from the best, use it to solve a problem, and then master it for your next startup.

Global network

Youā€™ll work closely with 35 of the best entrepreneurs from around the world. Youā€™ll spend the week learning, laughing, and bonding with the other delegates as you soak up everything that is Silicon Valley.

Wicked problems

Maybe it’s the fresh Californian air. Maybe it’s the incredible delegates youā€™ll meet. Maybe it’s the amazing speakers and workshops. In any case, we see it every year: after Summit, delegates always go on to solve the worldā€™s most challenging problems.

Workshops, networking, and …stuff.

Jokes aside, get ready for an action-packed week of design thinking workshops, speakers, and bonding.

  • Learn Stuff
    (storytelling workshop)
  • Make Stuff
    (design thinking workshop)
  • Hear Stuff
    (once in a lifetime speakers)
  • Drink Stuff
    (formal banquet)
  • Pitch Stuff
    (pitch competition)
  • And Much More
    (selfie sticks?)

Application process

The first-round application that allows the organizers to get to know you a little better.You are asked to complete this form with thought and imagination, as it is an important part of the selection process.

However, a written application is not sufficient to get to know an applicant, so we round will be held Skype interviews for applicants the organizers are particularly interested in.

Thus, you’re strongly encouraged to submit your application early for a better chance of acceptance. You will be sent out a decision letter no later than the end of January.

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