Date: September 18-20, 2019 | Apply hereĀ (Enter the code “StudentxSYMP” and claim your 15% discount!)
Eligibility: current Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate students and recent graduates
Location:Ā Oestrich-Winkel, Germany

EBS Symposium 2019

The EBS Symposium is one of Europeā€™s largest and most prestigious student-run business conferences.Ā With a history of 29 years, the EBS Symposium offers speeches, workshops, recruiting opportunities, an innovation fair and a legendary afterparty.

Each year, we invite exceptional speakers to inspire you and give you insights into business and politics. We are excited to announce that his year’s patron is Dr Joachim Faber,Ā Chairman of the Supervisory Board Deutsche Boerse AG!

Furthermore, we are happy to welcome Sabine Bendiek, Managing Director Germany Microsoft, Dr Edmund Stoiber, former minister-president of Bavaria and leader of the CSU, Ralf Kleber Country Manager Germany, among 40 other high-ranked managers and politicians.

This year, the EBS Symposium celebrates the 30th jubilee, which will consist of 3 days packed with exciting keynote speeches on business and politics, practical workshops and lots of networking opportunities and the conference will gather over 1000 participants from the best universities and companies in Europe.


Challenge Your Tomorrow!

Under this yearā€™s theme, the symposium will elaborate on our generationā€™s obligation to embrace the inevitable transformation; a transformation that will change the way we work and live.

What challenges are we facing today? How do we deal with economic, political and personal barriers like growing protectionism, automation, data security, mass migration, growing radicalism, an ageing society and the climate change? How can we overcome these barriers?

Get inspired by personal stories of 40 top-class speakers

This year, the Symposium will host 40 top-class speakers,Ā managers who want to share their vision, knowledge and motivation with you.

You are the missing piece required to make the EBS Symposium more than just an annual economic forum.

Therefore, we want to encourage you to seize this opportunity to actively participate and engage with speakers, partners, and students from all around the world, expand your horizon and build your network of outstanding personalities.

Panel discussions: benefit from the expert’s insights in the hottest topics in the industry

Join the discussions on the current financial topics,Ā upcoming changes and challenges, uncover the opportunitiesĀ along with the experts from the financial industry. This year’s topics include:

  • Finance:Ā Is our society ready for cashless payments? (N26, GS, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley)
  • AI:Ā Is artificial intelligence depersonalizing our society?
  • Politics: The EU – is Brexit only the beginning?
  • Aviation: Sustainable flying?

We look forward to inspiring speeches, discussions, a highly motivated and international audience that will each find their own way to break barriers and challenge their tomorrow!

Let’s connect! Join us on:




Interested in applying for the EBS Symposium 2019?Ā Seize the opportunity and register your participation by followingĀ the application linkĀ and taking the suggested steps. Claim your 15% discount by entering the code ‘StudentxSYMP’.Ā 

For moreĀ opportunities, check ourĀ opportunitiesĀ section and subscribe to ourĀ weekly newsletters.


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